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By Mikhail Tseitlin

Booklet through Mikhail Tseitlin, I. B. Glazkov

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Ela2±. �a6 (��c8) 42 ... g4+- White's plan is standard: his king will go across to the a-pawn and win the bishop for it. ic4 (another 1 point) It is important to prevent ... 'Llb3. With the c2-pawn now securely blockaded, White is in control. @xh4! 4 ... ifl @e? if5! gxh4?? and white has the "wrong bishop". Black would reach a simple draw by sacrificing his bishop for the a-pawn and putting his king in the h8-corner. �c2 Black is in zugzwang. White will push his pawn to g6 and then run with his king to the queenside.

3 ... f2t! Elxf2 Elh1# (another 1 point) The bishop is very well placed on the long diagonal. 3 ... g4+. 2... @g2 Wfxd2t ( 1 point) White will quickly be mated. 0-1 34 Scoring, Maximum number of points is 22 points and above . Excellent od 15 points an d above- ····················· ············,... Go 11 points······························································,.. Pass mark 19 .... .. Ifyou scored less than 1 1 points, we recommend that you read the chapter again and repeat the exercises which you got wrong.

Marshall - A. Burn Another typical combination. tiJd5! xg6! �xg6t A strong combination. White opens up the castled position and brings his queen nearer to the opposing king. j,xe7 is good too: 4 ... �ge5t 1-0 l. �xg6 2 ... tiJd7 ( 1 point) ( 1 point) Black tries to develop his pieces. But he is too late! Other attempts also fail: a) 2 .. l:l:h3 and the threat of :8f3t is decisive. b) 2 ... CLlf6t+- Ex. tiJg5 White must bring his queen nearer to the opposing king. The knight rushes to help the attack.

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