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By Alexis Mamaux

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4 billion ( 1 2 7 . 5 billion in 2 0 1 5 dollars ) to assist the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty O rganization (NATO ) . This was the first peacetime agreement that the USA j oined outside the western hemisphere . Through NATO, the USA remained on the E uropean continent, establishing military bases in NATO countries . The S oviets argue d that this w a s a n aggressive alliance dire cted against the U S S R and eastern E urope and that it violated the principles of the United Nations.

France soon allowed its sector to b e annexed to the area . The US, French and B ritish zones increasingly cooperated with one another and eventually combined to form a unifie d government in their sectors . bizonia I n 1 946, the USA and Britain joined their German occupation zones into one, coordinating the administration and economies of previously divided areas. This was not what S talin exp e cted as it clearly paved the way for a permanent division of Germany. S oviet officials such as Litvinov and Maisky saw advantages in keeping Germany divided, as they felt it would keep it relatively weak and make the S oviet buffer states even more effectiv e .

Afraid of S oviet aggre ssion after the B e rlin B l o ckade, D enmark, Iceland, Italy and Portugal also wante d to j oin, and they requested the p articip ation of C anada and the U S A in a North Atlantic defence pact. For its part, the USA was afraid that S oviet actions might lead to E uropean capitulation as much of E urope was still in a weakened state after the war. The Truman administration found that there was bipartisan supp ort for an American-Europ ean defence agre ement and enlisted the assistance of Republican senator Arthur Vandenburg to propose US membership in a defence pact that subscribed to the terms of the C harter of the United Nations .

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