Download The Cheyenne Indians, Vol. 2: War, Ceremonies, and Religion by George Bird Grinnell PDF

By George Bird Grinnell

The Cheyenne Indians: Their historical past and Their methods of lifestyles is a vintage ethnography, initially released in 1928, that grew out of George chook Grinnell's lengthy acquaintance with the Cheyennes. In quantity I he wrote concerning the tribe's early heritage and migrations, customs, household lifestyles, social association, looking, amusements, and executive. quantity II seems to be at its warmaking and warrior societies, therapeutic practices and responses to eu ailments, spiritual ideals and rituals, and legends and prophecies surrounding the tradition hero candy medication. incorporated are appendixes on early Cheyenne village websites, the formation of the Quilling Society, and notes on Cheyenne songs.

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Extra info for The Cheyenne Indians, Vol. 2: War, Ceremonies, and Religion

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Carrying Buffalo Skull to Shade 368 Actors Resting under Shade 386 Page 1 War and Its Ways The Cheyennes have a tradition of a golden age when war was unknown and universal peace prevailed. All strangers met in friendship and parted on good terms. Such a far-off time, when hostile encounters were unknown, is told of by many of the tribes of the northern plains. No doubt there were fightings and wars long before the coming of the white man, but these were probably the results of more or less temporary quarrels, and were not bloody.

Young men very seldom led a war-party. They were satisfied to gain experience by following their elders, until they had reached a point where they thought themselves competent to carry the pipe. When this time arrived, and a man determined that for the first time he would lead a partycarry the pipe to warhe called into his lodge some older man of great experience, and offered him the pipe and asked him for help. When the elder had accepted the pipe, the younger man explained that he wished to lead a party to war, and asked advice as to what he should do to insure success.

Grinnell and Mrs. J. E. Tuell Page iv Disclaimer: This book is part of a volume set. netLibrary may or may not have all the companion volumes in eBook format. EDITION STATEMENT The two-volume Bison Books edition of The Cheyenne Indians is reproduced from the first edition published by Yale University Press in 1923. Volume I includes the preface, a map of the Cheyenne Country, and chapters titled as follows: Early Cheyenne History Old-Time Ways Village Life Certain Camp Customs Social Organization The Boy and the Girl Woman and Her Place Women's Societies Industries Subsistence and Hunting Games and Amusements Tribal Government ISBN 0-8032-5772-4 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 23-17688 First Bison Books printing: October 1972 Most recent printing shown by first digit below: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Manufactured in the United States of America Page v Contents War and Its Ways 1 Early Warfare.

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