Download Ten-Gallon Economy: Sizing Up Economic Growth in Texas by Pia M. Orrenius, Jesús Cañas, Michael Weiss PDF

By Pia M. Orrenius, Jesús Cañas, Michael Weiss

Ten Gallon economic climate positive factors new study on local monetary development and a few staggering findings on Texas' targeted tax and banking associations; booming strength and export sectors; bright exertions marketplace; increasing demographics and human capital; and turning out to be border economic climate.

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1). 5 percent. 4 percent. 6 percent. Taken together, this works out to about a 1 percentage point growth advantage over the nation since 1960. The recent oil boom and Texas’ avoidance of a housing bust have been offered as ways to explain Texas’ recent strength. But these factors—while undeniably contributing to Texas’ economic resilience over the past few years—cannot account for a consistent growth advantage over 50 years. What explains the longer-term growth trends? Reasons typically given are a business-friendly public policy climate and a smaller-than-average state government.

8 billion for California (Kazmierczak, Guvensoylar, and Davenport 2014). 3 Texas Leads Nation in Exports Since 2002. Notes: Data are seasonally adjusted, expressed in 2014 dollars, and refer to quarterly exports. Numbers in the figure denote 2nd quarter 2014 exports. Sources: US Census Bureau; WISER. 1057/9781137530172 - Ten-Gallon Economy, Edited by Pia M. com - licensed to Wilfrid Laurier University - PalgraveConnect - 2016-01-21 36 Jason Saving Why Texas Grows Faster 37 Texas’ largest single trading partner, a majority of the state’s exports flow to other countries, with the fastest-growing export share belonging to China.

Note: The number of children refers to the number of eligible children in the tax unit. DocID=36&Topic2id=40& Topic3id=42. 1057/9781137530172 - Ten-Gallon Economy, Edited by Pia M. com - licensed to Wilfrid Laurier University - PalgraveConnect - 2016-01-21 24 David Neumark eligible children. The subsidy and maximum payment is trivial for those without children, but both are much higher for those with children. For example, for a family with two children, in 2014 the maximum credit that could be earned was $5,460; over the first $13,650 in earnings, this represents a 40 percent subsidy to earnings.

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