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By Daughters of St. Paul

The youngsters who shared their tales all encountered God in a profound, possible way. they discovered sacrifice, carrier, and pleasure – and met God within the people who they labored with and served. via actual tales of genuine missions, kids proportion the challenge leads kids to a deeper feel of what challenge is all approximately. The e-book in particular issues out how one can serve at domestic. a useful gizmo for formative years ministry, international adolescence Day catechesis, and non secular education.

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There I helped mix cement for a new house and classroom, paint a daycare, and laughed and played with local children. But mostly, I learned about the importance of human love. I loved these Salvadorans, even though I had known them for only a week. It seemed as though I had known them my entire life. They helped me to know myself better and to see God’s role in my life. It didn’t matter if I was playing board games with the kids, joking with the adults, or pouring cement, I just felt so blessed to be there.

I couldn’t help but think that they should have been thanking God instead. God gave me the strength, patience, and intuition to help my group of kids. He worked through me, and I’m glad that he did. I could have given up, but I didn’t, and God was with me. I look back at this experience and say Noshkar Rabena, “Thank you, God” in Arabic. —Kathryn For Reflection One of the ways that God chooses to speak to us is through Scripture. Re-read the passage from Deuteronomy. What word or phrase stands out for you?

I don’t know how many service hours I had by the end of high school, but it must have been somewhere in the hundreds or thousands. I mean, I got awards for them! ” But it took waaay longer than it should have to realize what my true mission was and how my true reward was so much more than any paper certificates could be. Mission is a call from God to serve his people. It’s a call to serve his mission to go out into the world, spread the Gospel, and make new disciples. Mission is more than just a service project, volunteer hours, or trip to a foreign country.

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