Download Tables of Excitations of Proton- and Neutron-Rich Unstable by S.I. Sukhoruchkin, Z.N. Soroko (auth.), H. Schopper (eds.) PDF

By S.I. Sukhoruchkin, Z.N. Soroko (auth.), H. Schopper (eds.)

Nuclear point schemes and resonance parameters are of significant curiosity for nuclear spectroscopy, for astrophysical types, thermonuclear calculations and for different functions. Parameters for nuclear degrees of strong nuclei were released within the Volumes I/16B, I/18A, B, C, and in I/19A1, A2. within the Volumes I/19A, B extra facts bought from move reactions are offered. quantity I/19C includes the knowledge of risky nuclei faraway from the soundness zone that have been deduced from reactions except move reactions (e.g. beta decay, spallation reactions, or inverse reactions). the knowledge in those volumes could be regarded as the main whole information assortment for nuclear degrees. The contents of a few of the volumes might be characterised within the following manner: info for unbound states (resonances) I/16B, C Low mendacity degrees, neutron-induced resonances (I/16A comprises common details on neutron physics) I/19A hugely excited degrees above the low mendacity states, unbound states from charged-particle reactions (Z = 2 to 18 in I/19A1, Z = 19 to eighty three in I/19A2) information for certain states (stable nuclei) I/18A, B, C Low mendacity degrees (Z = 2 to 36 in I/18A, Z = 37 to sixty two in I/18B, Z = sixty three to a hundred in I/18C) In I/18A the theoretical tools of treating nuclei are summarized, specifically these for deformed nuclei. I/19B Excited degrees from charged-particle reactions (Z = three to 36 in I/19B1, Z = 37 to sixty two in I/19B2, Z = sixty three to ninety nine in I/19B3)

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