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By Peter Y. Medding

This can be the latest quantity of the once a year stories In modern Jewry sequence. It comprises unique essays on Jews and crime actually, myth, and fiction; verbal and actual violence in Israeli politics; Jews as revolutionaires; armed resistance via Jews in Nazi Germany; moral dilemmas in the Israeli safety Forces; violence in Israeli society and social pressure; and different issues. As with different volumes, it additionally comprises evaluate essays and ebook stories.

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Blidstein R. Yisraeli's argument also opens the door (as he notes) to future rejections of war by international consensus, and this rejection would then oblige the Jewish state as well. But the possibility remains just that: a possibility. 66 R. Yisraeli has been taken to task on a number of points. Chiefly, his argument has been challenged because it allows international convention to determine what is legitimate (even, ultimately, for Jews) on topics that are ostensibly well within the halakhic/ethical bailiwick.

Isser Zalman Meltzer, Even haezel, nizkei mamon (Jerusalem: 1935), 8:5; Shilo, Dina demalkhuta dina, 153-154. 27. See Shilo, Dina demalkhuta dina, 97-99; as Shilo points out, this distinction had already been ignored by R. Yosef Karo in the Shulhan Arukh. 28. , 199-201. Shilo is here relying mainly on Fritz Kern, who claims that "new" law was considered less legitimate during the Middle Ages than "old" law. See Kern, Kingship and Law in the Middle Ages (Oxford: 1939), 149-151. 29. This reasoning has a talmudic basis, where dina demalkhuta extends to various forms of servitude.

See Devar Avraham, 1:1:5 (p. 5), 1:11:7 (p. , vol. 2 (Pietrokov: 1913), 26:5 (p. 134). 41. See R. Auerbach, Ma'adanei arez, 20:6. Talmudic materials do treat other matters in- 20 Gerald J. Blidstein volving properties (the writing of legal documents, the definition of "kinyan"), but not of transfer of property. See, however, Yevamot 46a, though even here the term "dina" does not appear. 42. I thank Peter Y. Medding for this point. 43. " 44. The tension between the legitimacy of war and consent theory is exemplified by the declaration of R.

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