By Darci J. Harland
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Once you have a general topic, start asking yourself questions. Let your natural curiosity lead you to possible ideas to study. ” They tend to be too broad and worded in such a way that they are not testable. Instead, you can rephrase a question to break it into STEM Student research handbook Copyright © 2011 NSTA. All rights reserved. org/permissions. 1 Sample STEM Topics With Associated Tools, Instruments, and Tests What to Measure 6 Tool, Test, or Instrument Absorbance Spectrophotometer (Spec-20) Acidity/alkalinity pH paper, pH meter Altitude Altimeter Angles of slope/tilt Clinometers, protractor, sextant, transit, goniometer, Geometer’s Sketchpad Area Meterstick (with appropriate formulas), planimeter Bacteria Gram stain, incubator, hemocytometer, spectrophotometer Blood pressure Sphygmomanometer Calculus Calculus modeling and equation solving systems (Mathematica), graphing calculator Color/pigments Chromatography Conductivity Amperometer, potentiometer Density Balance and meterstick, pycnometer, hydrometer Earth movements Seismometer Electrical current Ammeter, multimeter, galvanometer Electrical potential Voltmeter, multimeter, galvanometer Electrical resistance Ohmmeter, wheatstone bridge Embryology Chick incubator Force Spring scale, dynamometer Global position Global positioning system (GPS) Heat Calorimeter Humidity Hygrometer Insects (trapping) Berlese funnel, bait trap, aspirator, sand/mud sieve, nets Length/width Meterstick, tape measure, micrometer, Vernier caliper Light Spectrometer, photometer, light meter, photoelectric cell Mapping Transit Mass Spring balance, lever-arm balance, electric balance Mathematics Geometer’s Sketchpad, GeoGebra, statistical software, Mathematica, graphing calculator, TinkerPlots, Fathom National Science Teachers Association Copyright © 2011 NSTA.
B. 2010. What is ethics in research and why is it important? cfm. Valiela, I. 2001. Doing science: Design, analysis, and communication of scientific research. New York: Oxford University Press. STEM Student research handbook Copyright © 2011 NSTA. All rights reserved. org/permissions. 13 Student Handout #1 Focusing Preliminary Research Ideas Name __________________________________________________ Class ____________ Date _______________ Directions: Answer the following questions based on your research interest right now.
The question you developed in Chapter 1 will help you stay focused as you do your background research. Now, by changing the question into a hypothesis statement, you accomplish several critical research design issues. In writing a hypothesis, you will 1. determine a specific variable to be tested, 2. determine how changes within the experiment will be measured or recorded, and 3. predict an outcome of what you think the results of the experiment will be. For instance, in the following planaria example, the question only asks “how” reproduction is affected by temperature and is not written in such a way that it could be answered in a single experiment.