Download Star Trek: Typhon Pact #2: Seize the Fire by Michael A. Martin PDF

By Michael A. Martin

Grab the hearth presently after revealing its union with the Federation’s most up-to-date adversary—a coalition of galactic powers referred to as the Typhon Pact—the Gorn Hegemony suffers an ecological catastrophe that destroys the hatchery international in their seriously very important warrior caste. thankfully, the Gorn had already been investigating lines of an historic yet strong “quick terraforming” expertise left at the back of by way of a long-vanished civilization. This expertise, may still it turn out controllable, supplies to revive their smooth organic and social establishment. but if a Gorn soldier prepares to take advantage of the expertise to reshape the planet Hranrar right into a new warrior-caste spawning floor, threatening to extinguish the local Hranrarii, he attracts the undesirable consciousness of a mad Gorn trooper decided to deliver the army caste into dominance. in the meantime, because the U.S.S. Titan embarks upon a look for this effective know-how within the desire of utilizing it to heal the injuries the Federation sustained in the course of the contemporary Borg predicament, Captain Riker needs to stability his accountability for his crew’s security opposed to the welfare of the Hranrarii and his accountability to the top Directive. With a menacing Typhon Pact fleet nipping at his heels, Riker must never merely cease the Gorn warriors but in addition plumb the secrets and techniques of an historical terraforming artifact. yet of every body serving aboard Titan, Commander Tuvok could be the just one who knows how risky such planet-altering know-how could be, even if used with the simplest of intentions. . . .

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I understand,舡 he said. After Z舗shezhira departed, Gog舗resssh rose from the steeply inclined resting board and walked across the infirmary toward the other healing bay. Since the other injured officers and enlisted troopers were recovering elsewhere, he and his lieutenant were all alone but for one another舗s company. 舠First Myrmidon,舡 Zegrroz舗rh said as he tried to stand, his pain evident. Gog舗resssh needed no special medical expertise to see that his Second had suffered more extensive burns than he had.

And if Dr. Rreszsesrr舒the ancient scientist who had probably been reduced to a clawful of ashes by the Sazssgrerrn 舠mishap舡舒was to be believed, those eggs had represented the entirety of his own caste舗s hopes for the future. Not to mention the future of the Gorn Hegemony itself. The black pit of despair into which Gog舗resssh had narrowly avoided plummeting moments earlier suddenly returned with a vengeance. This time he tumbled headlong into it. Intermittent voices reached across the sedative-saturated void in which Gog舗resssh floated.

The comm console near Tuvok舗s right hand flashed, heralding an incoming signal. He tapped the console and a small viewscreen lit up, displaying the sad, careworn face of an elderly humanoid male. 舠Please, Starfleet vessel. Withdraw. 舡 舠This is Lieutenant Commander Lojur of the Federation Starship Excelsior,舡 Lojur said. 舠I舗m afraid I can舗t do that. You are in possession of a Genesis-wave generation device, in violation of the laws of the United Federation of Planets. 舡 舠In the wrong hands, perhaps.

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