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By Jeffrey R Shapiro

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A DBMS for Everyone . . and Everything SQL Server 2000 is for old and new companies, small and large. It is equally at home with huge teams of developers and database administrators (DBA) as it is with lone rangers or the DBA++ who does it all. It does not matter whether you work for a small concern with no more than a handful of workers or for a giant multinational with tens of thousands of employees; SQL Server 2000 is for everyone. Most database developers and administrators are introduced to databases through the likes of Microsoft’s Access or FoxPro, Corel’s Paradox and its infamous Borland Database Engine (BDE), or the legendary dBase.

This is due in part to its architecture, and in large part to the huge installed base, which is supported by many books such as this one, dozens of devotee Web sites, and user groups in just about every major city in the world. SQL Server 2000 101—The Freeze-Dried Overview The SQL Server database engine stores your data in tables. Each of the tables holds data that represents information of interest and value to your organization. This data consists of a collection of classes of information (called domains) that, when understood as a whole, represent a unique and complete record of data in the database.

So What Is SQL Server 2000? SQL Server 2000 is not a database application development environment in the sense that Microsoft Access or Visual FoxPro is. It is a collection of components and products that holistically combine, as a client/server system, to meet the data storage, retrieval, and analysis requirements of any entity or organization. It is equally at home in environments ranging from the largest companies and commercial Web sites posting millions of transactions per day to small companies and even individuals and specialized applications that require robust data storage and persistent service.

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