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By Percy A. Morris

Эта детальная книга включает информацию по коллекционированию и изучению раковин, характеризует географическое распространение и местообитания около 800 видов моллюсков. На цветных вкладках показано 780 видов, в том числе и живые моллюски, one hundred fifteen рисунков в тексте демонстрируют как животных, так и их раковины.
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Not far from here almost five hundred prehistoric murals had been discovered tucked in the overhangs of canyons. They are popularly known as the cave paintings. In vivid red and black they portray springing mountain lions, buck deer contesting with their antlers, native shamans with elaborate headdresses and outstretched arms. Some of them, many miles of desert from the sea, depict huge whales. Within the images of a single cave, archaeologists have noted age differences of more than three thousand years.

It would be dark soon, but the moon was full. I figured that the Kuyima campground couldn’t be more than a few miles farther. Max insisted on coming along. Carrying a small flashlight, the three of us set out into the gathering dusk. Off to the west the lagoon’s northern arm shimmered where it meets Scammon’s drawing of whalers in San Ignacio Lagoon, the Frontispiece of his 1874 book CLOSE ENCOUNTER AT SAN IGNACIO LAGOON 35 the salt flats. There water and land appeared to melt into each other across this minimalist’s landscape.

There, I realized, Mitsubishi and Mexico planned to cover more than 120,000 acres with salt ponds. Across the other side of the lagoon, the volcanic granite domes of the Sierra Santa Clara mountains were barely visible through the haze. Where the lagoon commenced I could make out a long sand barrier island, Isla Pelicanos, and another that the map listed as Isla Garzas. Salttolerant plants—pickleweed and meado de sapo (toad piss)—sprouted near the lagoon shoreline. A flotilla of driftwood lay exposed across a sea of mud, accentuating the feeling of being marooned.

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