Download Shell Shocked: On the Ground Under Israel’s Gaza Assault by Mohammed Omer PDF

By Mohammed Omer

Operation protecting area, introduced in early July 2014, used to be the 3rd significant Israeli attack at the Gaza Strip in six years. It used to be additionally the main lethal. by means of the belief of hostilities a few seven weeks later, 2,200 of Gaza’s inhabitants were killed, and greater than 10,000 injured.

In those pages, journalist Mohammed Omer, a resident of Gaza who lived in the course of the terror of these days together with his spouse after which three-month-old son, presents a first-hand account of lifestyles on-the-ground in the course of Israel’s attack. the photographs he documents during this amazing chronicle are a literary similar of Goya’s “Disasters of War”: children’s corpses filled into vegetable fridges, pointlessly as the electrical energy is off; a kin dashing out in their domestic after a telephone name from the Israeli army informs them that the construction can be obliterated via an F-16 missile in 3 mins; donkeys machine-gunned via Israeli squaddies below directions to shoot whatever that strikes; graveyards unique with shells in order that mourners can not inform the place their kin are buried; fishing boats ablaze within the harbor.

Throughout this carnage, Omer continues the cool detachment of the pro journalist, decided to create an exact list of what's taking place in entrance of him. yet among his traces the outrage boils, and we're left to ask yourself how a society similar to Israel, widely-praised within the West as democratic and civilized, can stopover at such monstrosities on a trapped and helpless inhabitants.

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