Download Separate and Unequal: The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in by Amir S. Cheshin, Bill Hutman, Visit Amazon's Avi Melamed PDF

By Amir S. Cheshin, Bill Hutman, Visit Amazon's Avi Melamed Page, search results, Learn about Author Central, Avi Melamed,

This brilliant behind-the-scenes account of Israeli rule in Jerusalem info for the 1st time the Jewish state's try and lay declare to all of Jerusalem, even if that intended enforcing harsh rules towards the city's Arab inhabitants. The authors, Jerusalemites from the spheres of politics, journalism, and the army, have themselves been gamers within the drama that has spread out in east Jerusalem lately and looks now to be at a climax. they've got additionally had entry to quite a lot of legit records that demonstrate the making and implementation of Israeli coverage towards Jerusalem. Their e-book discloses the main points of Israel's discriminatory guidelines towards Jerusalem Arabs and indicates how Israeli leaders mishandled every little thing from safeguard and housing to high schools and sanitation providers, to the detriment of not just the Palestinian citizens but additionally Israel's personal schedule. Separate and Unequal is a background of misplaced possibilities to unite the peoples of Jerusalem. A valuable concentration of the e-book is Teddy Kollek, the city's outspoken mayor for almost 3 a long time, whose mess ups have long gone mostly unreported formerly. yet Kollek is just one personality in a forged that comes with leading ministers, generals, terrorists, eu and American leaders, Arab shopkeepers, Israeli policemen, and Palestinian schoolchildren. the tale the authors inform is as dramatic and poignant because the mosaic of spiritual and ethnic teams that decision Jerusalem domestic. And coming at a time of renewed concern, it bargains a startling viewpoint on previous error which may aspect the way in which towards extra equitable remedy of all Jerusalemites.

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Example text

Social services. The National Insurance Institute has closed its offices in east Jerusalem, making it difficult for Arab residents Mr. Jerusalem 23 to receive the various services and payments to which they are entitled. 8. Shuafat refugee camp. ’s job to take care of them. This memo, put together by city officials in preparation for a meeting between Kollek and the prime minister, was not unique. It is one of dozens of documents on conditions in east Jerusalem produced by the municipality and other Israeli bodies, making it difficult for Israel to claim ignorance of the problems faced by Palestinian residents of the city.

East Jerusalem was Israel’s Wild West. The hustle and bustle of the Old City and adjoining business district of Salah A-Din and Sultan Suleiman streets stood in sharp contrast to the undeveloped and largely barren outlying areas that had also been annexed to the city. Israel had purposely drawn the city’s new, expanded boundaries to include the maximum territory possible, with the minimum possible Palestinian population. Israel foresaw the potential the undeveloped land held for building homes for tens of thousands of Jews in east Jerusalem.

Rather than slowing Israel’s building efforts in Jerusalem, the international condemnations seemed to speed them up. Israel did, however, show sensitivity to Muslim and Christian interests in Jerusalem. When Israel discovered its planners had included lands and even buildings belonging to religious groups in its expropriations, attempts to make amends were swiftly undertaken. For instance, the Foreign Ministry in May 1970 sent an urgent message to the Ministerial Committee on Jerusalem requesting the reversal of an expropriation of a 35-dunam tract that belonged to an Italian doctor, Professor Luigi Gidada, on the Mount of Olives.

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