Download Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation by Kihong Park, Walter Willinger PDF

By Kihong Park, Walter Willinger

A set of labor from most sensible researchers within the box, this e-book covers all elements of self-similar community site visitors. Readers will achieve a greater knowing of those networks via a large advent to the subject, in addition to feedback for destiny examine.

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Example text

Willinger. Experimental queueing analysis with longrange dependent packet traf®c. IEEE=ACM Trans. Networking, 4:209±223, 1996. 21. A. Erramilli, R. Singh, and P. Pruthi. An application of deterministic chaotic maps to model packet traf®c. , 20:171±206, 1995. 22. A. Feldmann, A. C. Gilbert, P. Huang, and W. Willinger. Dynamics of IP traf®c: a study of the role of variability and the impact of control. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '99, pp. 301± 313, 1999. 23. A. Feldmann, A. C. Gilbert, and W. Willinger.

IEEE INFOCOM '95, pp. 977±984, 1995. 4. G. Amdahl. Validity of the single-processor approach to achieving large scale computing capabilities. In AFIPS Conf. , pp. 483±485, 1967. 5. V. Anantharam. Queueing analysis with traf®c models based on deterministic dynamical systems. In Proc. 25th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 233±241, 1996. 6. M. Arlitt and C. Williamson. Internet Web servers: workload characterization and performance implications. IEEE=ACM Trans. Networking, 5(5):631±645, 1997.

Tuan and Park (Chapter 18) show that in spite of the ``bad news'' associated with scale-invariant burstiness, there is ``good news'' in the sense of there being the potential of exploiting long-term correlation structure present in long-range dependent traf®c for traf®c control purposes. They advance the multiple time scale congestion control framework and show that nonnegligible correlations at large time scales can be effectively detected on-line and engaged to improve the performance of feedback congestion controls in rate-based settings.

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