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1999). Actor Network Theory and After. Oxford: Blackwell. Lazega, Emmanuel (2001). The Collegial Phenomenon: The Social Mechanisms of Cooperation among Peers in a Corporate Law Partnership. Oxford University Press. Lazega, Emmanuel, and Philippa E. Pattison (2001). ” Pp. ), Social Capital: Theory and Research. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. , and Harrison C. White (1971). ” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1: 49-80. Marsden, Peter V. (1990). ” Annual Review of Sociology 16: 435-63. , and Noah E.

Social Networks 24: 423-44. Pattison, Philippa , and Garry Robins (2002). ” Pp. 301-37 in Sociological Methodology 2002, ed. M. Stolzenberg. Boston: Blackwell. Pattison, Philippa, and Stanley Wasserman (1999). “Logit Models and Logistic Regressions for Social Networks: II. ” British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 52: 169-193. , and Anne S. Mavor, eds. (1998). Modeling Human and Organizational Behavior: Application to Military Simulations. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Freeman’s paper thus suggests that, in some situations (perhaps those in which the various methods applied are in the vicinity of the correct analysis of a structure), intensive application of multiple analytical methods can compensate for data that are less than perfect. In her Workshop paper, Martina Morris is particularly interested in two rules governing partner selection in sexual transmission networks: concurrency (number of partners) and mixing (the extent to which both partners share an attribute, such as race).

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