Download Play 1..b6: A Dynamic and Hypermodern Opening System for by Christian Bauer PDF

By Christian Bauer

Uninterested with getting tricky positions with the black items? bored with constantly having to maintain with all of the most modern advancements. Take a holiday from the mountains of starting conception and play 1...b6! With the circulate, getting ready a bishop fianchetto, Black instantly directs the sport into fairly uncharted territory, one the place White avid gamers can not relax and depend upon their 'opening booklet' wisdom. the true fantastic thing about 1...b6 is that it may be performed opposed to nearly each first circulation by means of White, so it's a excellent selection for Black avid gamers with neither the time nor inclination to memorise a large number of other defences. regardless of being fairly unexplored, 1...b6 has been the weapon of a few dynamic and uncompromising world-class avid gamers, together with Britain's first Grandmaster, the overdue Tony Miles. during this progressive e-book, Christian Bauer finds for the 1st time the secrets and techniques of ways to play 1...b6 with luck. he's taking an in-depth examine either the most strains and White's extra offbeat attempts, making a accomplished repertoire for the Black participant and highlighting the tactical and positional rules for either avid gamers. it's written via a 1...b6 specialist. All of White's probabilities are coated. It comprises complete rationalization of an important thematic rules.

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Winning. 68. 69. 70. K— Kt2 K— R2 Q— R3ch. Kt— Rsch. Q— B i After this, which breaks White’s mating threat, posi­ tional and material superiority must tell. 71. Q— Kt6 72. K— Kt2 73. K— Bi Resigns. Kt— B6ch. Q— Ktsch. R— K2 BURN— MACKENZIE 41 G. H. Mackenzie (1837-1891) was a Scotsman who in 1863 emigrated to New York and became an American citizen. He was an exceptionally brilliant player and besides being American champion for many years, frequently played in European master tournaments. H js best results were 1st at Frankfort, 1887 and 2nd at Bradford, 1888.

K— B i (b l a c k ) TCHIGORIN PxB PxB R— QR3 The open QR file is good com­ pensation to Black for his pawn. White dare not open the QKt file as well by 21 Q x P because of R— K t i ; 22 Q— K2, R x RP. Equally 21 P— QR3 will allow Black to open the QKt file by 21 . , R— R 5 ; 22 Q— Q2, P— Kts. 21. R— K ti 22. R— K ts (w h i t e ) p il l s b u r y Position before White's 27th move. (D i a g r a m 22) PILLSBURY— TCHIGORIN 27. , K— Q2 ; 31 R— Kt 7ch. , and mates. 28. 29. R— Kt8ch. K— K2 RxR Q— R5 Black now seems to be in great trouble, having lost a whole rook.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kt— Q2 P— KKt4 B— Kt2 PxP Kt— B3 O— O Q xP P— KB4 B— K2 Q— R4 Kt— KB3 O— O Q— B4ch. An indifferent method of de­ fending the bishop. Kt— B3 at once was preferable. 13. K— R i 14. K t— Kt3 15. K K t— Q4 16. Kt x Kt Kt— B3 QxKBP KtxKt Q— B4 Had he omitted 12 . , Q— B4ch. ; 13 K— R i, he could now play 16 . , B— B4 ; pin­ ning the knight. 17. Kt— K6 18. Q x Bch. 19. B— K 3 20. Q— Kt3 21. QR— Qi 22. B— Q2 BxKt K— R i Q— q 3 P— B 3 Q— B2 In order to bring the queen over to the K side.

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