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By Paul Keres

Including Paul Keres: the line To the pinnacle, this chess paintings completes the main finished number of annotated Keres video games ever released. This quantity alternatives up the tale from 1950, while Keres was once on the top of his powers, to his loss of life in 1975. Seven instances global Champion Candidate Keres deals proposal and guide to chess gamers of all degrees together with his pleasant, sincere commentaries, and John Nunn has chosen and annotated the best of Keres' video games from 1962-1975. This booklet charts the improvement and video games of 1 of the best avid gamers in chess heritage, and you may pass judgement on for your self even if it was once Keres' open, pleasant personality or Soviet politics that avoided him from achieving the summit of the chess global.

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Already then the program put forward by Campomanes made me vaguely uneasy. 'I want to suggest to FIDE new ways of working, to demonstrate ... a new philoso­ phy. I think it is time for a new emphasis. The FIDE motto Gens una sumus (We are all one family) should be effective for all federations, even the most remote and underdeveloped ... In my program I intend to put the emphasis on the developing countries. My appeal to them is this: there are no heights that cannot be achieved . . ' This was a long-term program, and al­ though in one of his first interviews as president Campomanes said that he did not intend to stand in the next election in 1986, it was obvious that, having gained power, he would not so easily part with it.

Had the lots actually been drawn, and if so, then why was it done with our participation? The indignant Portisch left the hall, accusing the organis­ ers of cheating. It was not just that he had been paired with Korchnoi - if he won he had to play me or Beliavsky. Unexpectedly Beliavsky proved to be a not very difficult obstacle for me, and I defeated him 6-3 (Moscow, March 1983; this and my other Candidates matches will be described in my autobiographical vol­ ume). And a month later, also there in Moscow, Karpov won his second USSR Championship ...

However. . the relationship between the members of the Chal­ lenger's Delegation and the criminal elements continues. ' As we see, back in 1978 Campomanes and the Karpov team entertained the possi­ bility of terminating the match. When the score became 5-5, rumours began circulat­ ing that the Soviet delegation, worried about the state of the champion's health, had unofficially suggested that FIDE should terminate the match - with Karpov, of course, retaining his title. Earlier the FIDE President Dr Euwe had himself suggested such a rule, and in Baguio he even said to the Challenger's second, grandmaster Keene, that at 5-5 the match should be terminated.

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