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By Pal Benko

Grandmaster buddy Benko is a chess legend: A challenger for the area Championship, an innovator of many sleek starting structures, an issue composer par excellence, and a father determine to his shut buddy Bobby Fischer, Benko has performed and defeated many of the most sensible avid gamers of the final fifty years. This biography is a party of an outstanding man's inventive legacy. Its impressive number of 138 deeply annotated video games which were rigorously ready to be interesting, enlightening, and instructive is delivered to existence through Benko's memoirs of his early years in war-torn Hungary, an international of poverty, chaos, discomfort, and finally, own triumph. His insights into recognized grandmasters remodel legends into genuine individuals with substance and character, and his recollections of well-known tournaments take us on a trip via chess heritage in contrast to whatever that is been released sooner than. Interviews with word gamers provide insights into Benko's nature. a huge survey of Benko's openings (by John Watson) indicates us the scope of Benko's theoretical contributions to the sport. images abound, and three hundred of Benko's chess compositions permit enthusiasts of the sport to develop into in detail familiar with a strikingly appealing point of chess that the majority have missed. This hugely enjoyable and instructive booklet provides opponents who desire to enhance their enjoying energy a dynamic, enjoyable method to deepen their wisdom and figuring out.

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Bxf7+! Rfe 1 , with a winning attack for White. Ne S ! Bd7 Also hopeless is 1 3 ... Nc6 (threatening mates on e7 and dS) 14 ... Nxc6 l S. Qxc6+ , picking up the Rook on a s , and 1 3 . . Ba6 1 4. Be3 with total carnage. Be3 Black can't deal with the threat of BcS. H ... Be4, 1 -0. There's simply no reply, so Black wisely resigned. One of the shortest games in my career! ye< in Hungary (along with Szabo) . In 1 9 5 0 , FIDE created the international master title. They only awarded this title to a few players, and I was quite proud to be one of them.

1 2 . NxdS! This allows the b l -Knight t o leap t o c3 and participate i n the fight for d S . 36 13 . Nxe4? Nxc6. g4! Be6 Avoiding the poor 16 . . Nc2 ? Bf2 . Rc l Bxf2 + (Hopeless is 2 1 . Ne3 2 2 . Qb3 Rb8 24. Qe3 Qd8 2 6 . Qxa7 , with a pawn more and a winning position. 2 1 . Bxf7+ Kxf7 The position has cleared up, with White emerging with an extra pawn. However, he must play cautiously due to his open kingside. Qb3 + Kf8 Black shows no interest in going into a pawn-down Rook endgame after 2 4 .

BB RdS ! I had my own ideas about how the Scheveningen should b e handled! The text lets me answer a quick wing attack by g2 -g4 with a central counterstrike by . . d6-dS or . . e6-e S . Qe l NaS ! AFT E R TH E WAR 29 This is the point of Black's setup . Nxa5 bxa5 gives Black a strong initiative thanks to the open b- and c-files, and it's doubtful if the doubled a-pawns will ever become a liability (In a way, Black gets B enko Gambit­ type queenside play without sacrificing a pawn ! ) . At the time, .

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