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By Rugh W.J.

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15. Given the symmetric kernel hsym (t 1 , . . ,tn ), show that the regular kernel on the first orthant is given by hreg (t 1 , . . hsym (t 1 + . . +tn ,t 2 + . . +tn , . . 16. Show that 43 G 2 * (H 1 + H 2 ) − G 2 *H 1 − G 2 *H 2 represents a degree-3 homogeneous system. 17. Analyze the feedback system diagramed below, and show that awful things happen for a unit step input. 18. 5 to substantiate the following claim. Any (suitably smooth) nonlinear system can be approximated by a linear system followed by a polynomial nonlinearity.

From (79) and (80) it is clear that such an operator must satisfy the equation E [u ] = u − H [G [E [u ]]] (81) E = I − H*G*E (82) or, in operator form where I is the identity operator, I [u ] = u. Equation (82) can be rewritten in the form E + H*G*E = (I + H*G)*E = I (83) Thus, a sufficient condition for the existence of a solution E is that (I + H*G)−1 exist, in which case E = (I + H*G)−1 (84) (If the inverse does not exist, then it can be shown that (79) and (80) do not have a solution for e, or that there are multiple solutions for e.

F (2) [φ,ψ] | ≤ Mφψ . | F (2) [φ,ψ] | ≤ Mφψ Then there exists k (t 1 ,t 2 ) ε L 2 ((0,T)X (0,T)) such that 2 TT F (2) [φ,ψ] = ∫ ∫ k (σ1 ,σ2 )φ(σ1 )ψ(σ2 ) dσ1 dσ2 00 Unfortunately, the hypotheses here are too restrictive to allow consideration of a bilinear functional of the form T F (2) [φ,ψ] = ∫ φ(σ)ψ(σ) dσ 0 which, upon taking φ(t) = ψ(t), corresponds to a system composed of a squarer followed by an integrator: T F (2) [φ,φ] = ∫ φ2 (σ) dσ 0 Here u (t −σ) is identified with φ(σ), and only finite-length input signals are considered.

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