Download Nerve Center: Inside the White House Situation Room by Michael K. Bohn PDF

By Michael K. Bohn

The White condo state of affairs Room is arguably crucial facility within the most crucial construction on the planet. because the president's intelligence and alert heart, it offers important verbal exchange and challenge administration features to the executive government and his advisers. it may even be "an island of calm," as a best adviser for vp Al Gore as soon as defined it.

So little is understood in regards to the scenario Room that, till the booklet of Nerve heart, the yankee public's wisdom of it truly is nearly completely in keeping with its portrayal through the leisure industry.Yet, as Michael okay. Bohn issues out, Hollywood has did not trap the true drama of the placement Room. a variety of crises come alive in Nerve heart, from the Vietnam warfare (when President Johnson made overdue evening visits to the placement Room donning his pajamas and went so usually that he moved his Oval workplace chair there), to the tried assassination of President Ronald Reagan, to today's high-tech battle on terrorism.

Created within the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs fiasco via advisers to President John Kennedy, presidents, cupboard individuals, and nationwide safeguard Council employees participants have all come to rely on the location Room. "I knew that i may continually depend upon the location Room," President Jimmy Carter recalled, "and it by no means permit me down." Bohn, who served as director of the placement Room for the 1st President George Bush, has recruited a variety of officers, together with former and present employees, to inform the colourful forty-year background of the location Room.

In a last bankruptcy, Bohn makes use of a fictional obstacle to explain how the placement Room will evolve to aid the president meet the demanding situations of an more and more risky future.

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Additional info for Nerve Center: Inside the White House Situation Room

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Personnel The size and composition of the Situation staff has fluctuated over the years since its inception. Initially, a lone CIA intelligence analyst worked a twenty-four-hour shift in the Situation Room, sleeping on a cot there during the night. Military communications technicians from the White House Communications Agency and assistants to the President’s naval aide supported the duty officer. For much of the time since the 1970s, three duty officers and a communications assistant have been on watch around the clock.

Brent Scowcroft, President Ford’s national security adviser, wanted summaries of top newspaper stories included. m. ) on blue paper, and it became known as the ‘‘Blue Thing’’ throughout the White House. When President Clinton traveled, the Situation Room changed the distribution times to match morning and evening times in whatever time zone in which he was located. The Situation Room, acting on behalf of the national security adviser to the President, has helped funnel daily reporting from Cabinet agencies to the President.

The aircraft crashed soon after the company pilots took off without their passengers. S. soil. When President Kennedy created the Situation Room to keep better track of global events, he also wanted to be alerted to breaking events as soon as possible after they happened. The Situation Room succeeded because the duty officers did more than simply separate incoming information into piles of paper for the President and his staff to pick up for their morning reading. From the beginning, the staff has looked for something ‘‘hot’’ (to use the word of the first duty officer, Chuck Enright), which they passed immediately to the President’s national security adviser.

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