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By K. W. Jeter

Simply WHAT occurred whilst THE TIME computer again? Having obtained a tool for themselves, the brutish Morlocks go back from the desolate a ways destiny to Victorian England to reason mayhem and disruption. however the legendary heroes of previous England have additionally again, within the hour of the country's maximum want, to face among England and her overall destruction.

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Mercifully the fog began to thin and lift. Soon I could see the stars' pinpoints of light through rifts in the scudding clouds overhead. A three-quarters moon broke through and further illuminated the scene. My relief at being able to see around me, though, was soon chased away by a growing dismay. The section of London in which I found myself was completely unrecognisable to me. Indeed, I was appalled to discover that such an area even existed. Were our municipal authorities really so lax as to allow it?

And what of Man – the progenitor of these obscene parodies of himself? Subjugated, perhaps, if any survived. Kept as cattle like the far future's Eloi to feed the Morlocks' hideous appetites. Not my flesh, I vowed silently. A shudder of revulsion and anger swept over me. When London fell I'd take to the countryside, cutting a red path through the Morlocks – with my bare hands when my bullets ran out – until my back was to the edge of the Dover cliffs. The Channel would receive my dying body and wash my ungnawed bones to sea.

When dawn came, where would we be? Tafe stood and pointed across the series of trenches. "See if the lockers left any ammo behind. " We separated and began our unpleasant task, searching around and under the slaughtered forms of men and women, who had been the last flickering light of human society in the besieged city and the world beyond. How many other random sparks like Tafe and myself existed, seeking only to make our own deaths come hard as possible to the Morlocks? Such was the upshot of one man's ambition to Travel through Time!

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