Download Microsoft Office Access 2003: professional results by Noel Jerke PDF

By Noel Jerke

Create and deal with a strong entry database utilizing this complicated advisor. You’ll get complete assurance of the entire new beneficial properties, together with shrewdpermanent Tags and superior XML aid. discover ways to write complicated queries with the question wizard and the layout view, import and export info, application with internet Matrix and .NET, and construct entry info initiatives with SQL Server. Database backup and safeguard concerns also are lined.

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By storing the primary key value, it indicates that the two sets of data are linked. Using our social security example, let’s say checks are being paid out to a social security recipient; in order to know who the recipient of the check is, we would want to store the check number, amount, and the social security number of the recipient. In this example the social security number acts as a foreign key. The following illustration shows the relationship. Understanding how different sets of data relate to each other is critical to good database design.

For example, in our social security data example, if one of the purposes of collecting the data is to be able to review payments to individuals historically, the database better track each payment. There are cases where we don’t necessarily want to store every small detail about the data. A good example is storing web ad views (impressions) and clicks. If the database were to store a record every time an ad pops up on a web page, given high traffic site distribution, the database could be storing millions of records an hour.

For example, if we are storing multiplechoice test questions and answers, we would not want to limit the number answer choices for a question to an arbitrary number such as 4 or 5. Ideally, the database should be able to support an unlimited number of potential answer choices, even though the reality is the number of choices may be 4 or 5, 99 percent of the time. Ensuring that a database is normalized makes the data easier to manage and helps to maximize data integrity. There are actually different levels of database normalization (first normal form, second normal form, and third normal form).

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