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By Wilson J. Rugh

Linear procedure thought, moment Edition, outlines the elemental conception of linear platforms in a unified, obtainable, and cautious demeanour, with parallel, autonomous remedy of continuous-time and discrete-time linear platforms.

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One of the most interesting results of this theory, for the problem investigated in this work, is the Maxwell-Boltzmann formula. 1) where v is the particle velocity, m is the mass of gas molecules, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. The probability density function f (v) relates the dynamics of the individual particle (micro-dynamics), represented by the particle velocity v, to the particle population macro-measurement, D. Milutinovic and P. Lima: Cells & Robots, STAR 32, pp.

The right column contains two equivalent descriptions of the CT M CμA model. The block diagram denotes that the event sequence generator is the part of the Stochastic Micro-Agent. The state diagram presents the internal structure of the Stochastic Micro-Agent and also the Markov Chain nature of the stochastic transition over the discrete states, denoted by the transition rate diagram. 6 Summary In view of biological facts, we introduce in this section the Micro-Agent model of the T-cell. This is a single-input, single-output hybrid automaton-based model and we use this model as a building block of the T-cell population model.

16. 015, Fig. 15. 5 Summary 51 Fig. 16. 015(solid line), experimental TCR PDF ρexp (x, tj ) (dashed), j = 1, 2, . . 8, Flow Cytometry data from [45] does not match better the experimental TCR PDF can be ascribed to the following reasons: • The individual T-cell TCR dynamics is more complex than the time invariant linear one. For example, the parameter k2 depends on time. • The experimental TCR PDFs are estimated incorrectly due to the incorrect stochastic measurement model. • The experimental TCR PDFs are estimated using very similar, but not identical, T-cell populations.

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