Download Israel in History: The Jewish State in Comparative by Derek Penslar PDF

By Derek Penslar

Overlaying topical matters about the nature of the Israeli country, this attractive paintings offers essays that mix a number of comparative schemes, either inner to Jewish civilization and increasing through the global, comparable to: sleek Jewish society, politics and tradition old attention within the 20th century colonialism, anti-colonialism and postcolonial state-building. With its open-ended, comparative strategy, Israel in background presents an invaluable technique of correcting the biases present in rather a lot scholarship on Israel, be it sympathetic or adverse. This e-book will attract students and scholars with learn pursuits in lots of fields, together with Israeli experiences, center East stories, and Jewish reviews.

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Unfortunately, the search for a new paradigm, admirable in itself, can lead to a determinist monism. Gershon Shafir’s application of this sort of framework on a monographic level in his highly influential 1989 book on land and labor markets in Ottoman Palestine was not completely successful. 46 Problematic though it may be, this line of sociological thinking is promising and welcome, as it has pushed the new history beyond controversies surrounding the birth of the state of Israel. Most students of the new history see its purview moving inexorably forward; thanks to the ongoing declassification of Israeli documents, particularly after thirty years, we have a growing Revisionist literature of the 1956 and 1967 Wars.

The Oslo peace process is widely viewed as responsible for the weakening of traditional Zionism, as substantial numbers of Israelis began to imagine a future in which they would dwell in a normal state at peace with its neighbors and thus no longer making constant demands upon its citizenry for heroic sacrifice and struggle. In fact, such a striving for normalization was very much in keeping with classic Zionist ideology, according to which antisemitism was omnipresent but not eternal, and the establishment of a Jewish state would stabilize the position of Jews in the world.

To return to the German example, over the past twenty years the Bielefeld School has been supplanted by a more sympathetic view of Imperial Germany as an integral component of Western Europe, with a mature bourgeois society and an evolving political system. Culture and the region have replaced politics and the nation-state as the privileged loci of attention. 8 We shall see below that Israeli historiography is beginning to be influenced by this diffusion and de-politicization of historiographical focus.

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