Download Israel A History (The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies) by Anita Shapira PDF

By Anita Shapira

Written via considered one of Israels such a lot awesome students, this quantity presents a wide ranging background of Israel from the origins of the Zionist flow within the overdue 19th century to the current day. equipped chronologically, the amount explores the emergence of Zionism in Europe opposed to the backdrop of family members between Jews, Arabs, and Turks, and the earliest pioneer settlements in Palestine less than Ottoman rule. Weaving jointly political, social, and cultural advancements in Palestine less than the British mandate, Shapira creates a tapestry by which to appreciate the demanding situations of Israeli state construction, together with mass immigration, transferring cultural norms, the politics of battle and global international relations, and the production of democratic associations and a civil society. References to modern diaries, memoirs, and literature carry a human size to this narrative background of Israel from its announcement of independence in 1948 via successive many years of waging warfare, negotiating peace, and construction a latest nation with a colourful society and tradition. in keeping with archival resources and the main up to date scholarly study, this authoritative historical past is a must-read for somebody with a passionate curiosity in Israel. Israel: A historical past could be the most excellent within the box for future years.

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Zionist circles believed that a man who tilled the soil had a profound connection with his land—a potent antidote to wanderlust, another quality the Jews were accused of possessing. Living from his honest toil, the peasant developed characteristics such as a simple lifestyle, a love of nature, and independence. Of course this idealistic picture was a far cry from reality. As Berl Katznelson once remarked ironically, it was doubtful whether the young people who expressed extravagant admiration of that Russian peasant would be able to withstand the stink of pitch on his boots.

Reinharz, Jehuda, and Shapira, Anita, Essential Papers on Zionism, New York: New York University Press, 1996. 26 zionism: ideology and praxis 2 JEWS, TURKS, A|aBS FIRST ENCOUNTERS IN THE LAND *********************** Concurrent with Herzl’s intensive e√orts to obtain a charter—and unrecognized by him—the beginnings of modern Jewish settlement were already present in Palestine. palestine in the nineteenth century At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Palestine was a remote, backward province of the Ottoman Empire, which itself was in decline.

In 1904, on the eve of the Second Aliya, the Jewish community in Palestine numbered some 55,000 (including natural increase), of whom 10,000 to 15,000 belonged to the new Yishuv living in the moshavot and in Ja√a, as well as a few in Jerusalem and the other cities. In the following decade some 40,000 immigrants came to Palestine, and more than 60 percent of them eventually left, with some estimates putting that figure even higher. The vast majority of Second Aliya immigrants were no di√erent in character from those of the first.

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