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By Tom Shanley, MindShare

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It is the job of other group members to back up for the AVG if that the AVG fails. The AVG assigns a virtual MAC address to each member of the GLBP group. The AVG is responsible for answering ARP requests for the virtual IP address. Load sharing is achieved by the AVG replying to the ARP requests with different virtual MAC addresses that the group members will respond to. Although you can use many optional commands with GLBP, the primary command to enable GLBP follows: glbp group ip [ip-address [secondary]] Note how similar this command is to the HSRP configuration command.

This is known as the two-way state. 5. In a LAN environment, the DR and BDR are elected. 6. In a LAN environment, the hello packets function as a keepalive mechanism every 10 seconds. After the DR and BDR are established, the routers are in Exstart State, and they are ready to exchange database information. The exchange protocol functions as follows: 1. In the Exstart State, the DR and BDR establish an adjacency with each router in the network; a master-slave rela- tionship is formed with the router ID indicating the master in the relationship.

2011 Cisco Systems Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. Please see page 245 for more details. 0 Quick Reference Chapter 3 IP Addressing IPv4 Addresses IPv4 addresses consist of 32 bits, which are divided into four sections of 8 bits, each called an octet. Addresses are typically represented in dotted-decimal notation. 201 Subnet masks identify which portion of the address identifies a particular network and which portion identifies a host on the network. 0 (24 bits) Class A addresses begin with 0 and have a first octet in decimal of 1 to 127.

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