Download How to Play the English Opening (Batsford Chess Books) by Anatoly Karpov PDF

By Anatoly Karpov

The English beginning (1.c4) received its identify since it was once first utilized in foreign festival via an Englishman: 19th-century global chess champion Howard Staunton. however it accomplished the good reputation it enjoys this present day with the aid of a Russian: the writer of this definitive booklet, former international champion Anatoly Karpov. between its benefits, as Karpov demonstrates, is that it will probably transpose into many different openings, together with the Queen’s Gambit Declined, the Reti, the Caro-Kann, the Sicilian with colours reversed, or the Polish—any certainly one of that can supply a profitable side via prime an opponent into unusual territory. this type of flexibility is what each participant wishes, and Karpov offers it with a thoroughness nobody else might be able to fit.

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Od2. g. Je l+ 13. Ia3 /0b4, Anatoli Matsukevkh) 1 ... hd6 reaches one critical position. �e2 Jd4 0: 1 Ness ­ Rigenstrup, Drammen 1 947) 9 ... lc5!? ixg3, Borik) IO ... eg6! threatening 14 .. ixd2 mate Klastev - Do­ nev, Bulgaria 1 954) 9 ... lt:lc5 (9 ... lt:lb4?! ea4 ef6) 1 2 .. e3 ? g. xd3�d3. lt:la5 (9.. g. IO .. lt:lb4? a3, Davey Richter, corr 1 985, or 1 O ... g. ed7! ( The world premiere could have been perfect after 16 ... lt:lf3 ge l+! 'it>h2 lt:lc 2!? lt:lxfl exfl +?? (29 .. lc5 (8 ...

Jc5? ltld5+, Hergert, but IL ltlg3 ! a3 (if 17M 1, then 17 ... Jxb4) 17 ... id7 !? ixf6 20J�xd7 E:e6 with some plus for White, Gutman. 9... �xh l 9 .. ltlf3 ltlxhl ( I O... ltlc6? 0-0, Tartllkower) - see 9_. ltlf3 ic5. This is definitely the lesser evil. ic5 was tried first. �13 White has a choice of shots: A) 1 1 �xh7 ltld7 ( l l ... g. b4! ic5 ( IO .. �b4?! ltlh3 ltlc6) 1 1 .. 0-0! g5 !? le7+ ( 1 2 . Wfl � ( 1 3 ... �e4!? le7 (it is hard to suggest anything better, we see: I I .. d2 ! �xf6+ gxf6 14� 1s wrong, not due to 1 4 ...

A3 Aa5!? gxf6 gxf6) 14 ... ixa3 ! �a3? �xa3 �d7 and Black is not worse, Gutman. f3 0-0-0 is, according to Minev. excellentfor Black. Up to now no­ body has shown the desire to doubt this opinion, Borik. However, it is difficult 8 �xtl ... d l ! l0d6+? �g3 h 5 ! a3? �f2 l0xc2 are both losing Borik - 1 2 .. ti'f4 gd4! a3 ! g4? gd l gxd3 ! axb4? �xa7 exf3, Borik -, 1 5 .. g6 ( 12 ... a3 f5 (if l3 ... �cl sees the defence triumph, , There is nothing better. , . �e2+!? ie7 (9. hxg3 comes into con­ sideration) l l .

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