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By Harriet Deacon

A vital contribution to the literature on HIV/AIDS and society, this resource appears to be like on the stigma and discrimination that could have an effect on already bodily and psychologically in poor health children, their households, and their groups. supplying an outline of the on hand writings and resources, this study looks in particular at what could be performed in regards to the stigma, hoping to boost more advantageous how you can support them in facing discrimination and finally major to better social attitudes towards childrens and the affliction itself.

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Whether or not parents have disclosed to their children may not be the critical factor in whether children cope with parental illness. Other possible influences on child coping may include the current health status of the parent and the amount of responsibility for parental or familial problems the child bears as a result of this. Reviewing a number of studies on parental HIV, Forsyth (2003) suggests that the parent’s health status (that is, whether they are symptomatic or not) is a greater determinant of the mental health of the child than whether the child has been informed of the diagnosis.

Gossip and mistreatment from schoolmates, family and neighbours were also mentioned. Studies on AIDS, children and stigma (for example, Strode & Barrett-Grant 2001) argue that stigma and discrimination exacerbate the negative material effects of the pandemic on children. However, the lack of systematic inquiry into the extent of the problem 30 Chapter 3 means that we often do not know how much stigma and related discrimination negatively affects children, or to what extent material disadvantages experienced by AIDS-affected children are exacerbated by AIDS-related stigma.

Caregivers who are afraid of stigmatisation or discrimination towards themselves or the children may hesitate to disclose the status of HIV-positive children by taking them for treatment (Strode & Barrett-Grant 2001). In a South African study, researchers found that only five of the 40 mothers actually returned with their child to the Red Cross Children’s hospital for follow-up visits after diagnosis – reasons given were to avoid being stigmatised, or because they were asymptomatic, because clinic visits cost money, and because post-test counselling was poor (Robertson & Ensink 1992).

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