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By Valerie Leiter Peter Conrad

This enticing and available reader takes a social difficulties method of well-being and drugs, offering a large and important lens on modern illnesses.

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Sample text

1986. ” Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin, November. Carrier, James G. 1986. Learning Disability: Social Class and the Construction of Inequality in American Education. : Greenwood Press. Casscells, Ward, and William J. Curran. 1982. ” New England Journal of Medicine 307:1532-33. Council on Psychiatry and Law (American Psychiatric Association). 1987. ” American Journal of Psychiatry 144:411-12. Conrad, Peter. 1975. ” Social Problems 23:12-21. Conrad, Peter and Joseph W. Schneider. 1980. Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness.

PRIMUM NON NOCERE 33 THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HOUSE OF DELEGATES RESOLUTION The American Medical Association (AMA) took its first decisive action on the matter of lethal injection in July 1980. The Judicial Council produced a report that noted the receipt of numerous inquiries on the issue from doctors and medical societies. Opinions within the profession were mixed, and mostly corresponded to more general attitudes on capital punishment. The Judicial Council acknowledged the possible validity of the sundry arguments both for and against chemical executions, but maintained that the concept ofprimum non nocere (“first, do no harm”) was decisive.

Schwarzchild, Henry. 1982. ” New York Times, December 23: 15. Sharpe, Rochelle. 1983. ” Wilmington Evening Journal, June 1. Sikora, Frank. 1983. ” Birmingham News, April 26. Smith, Doug. 1983. ” Arkansas Gazette, March 5. , Susan G. Baker, Leon Anderson, and Michael Martin. 1986. ” Social Problems 33:407-23. Tierney, Kathleen J. 1982. ” Social Problems 29:207-20. Weiner, Tim. 1983. ” Philadelphia Inquirer, January 30. Wright, James D. 1988. ” Social Problems 35:182-91. , and Gordon Hawkins. 1986.

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