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By Oliver Warner

Money owed of a few of the main Decisive Sea Battles in heritage

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Weeks barrels of and d'Oquendo did nothing. He even move when Tromp offered him five hundred passed, refused to gun-powder to fight it out. Humiliation could ^ left: The Amelia, Tromp's flagship at the Battle of the Downs _L2_ _L2_ Al. IL 41 THE DOWNS, 1639 left: Marten Tromp (1598-1633), Lieutenant-Admiral of the United jNetherlands, whose victory at the Downs was one of a series of successful right: Sir John Pennington, who commanded the English fleet, which was present, though not in action, at the Downs, below: A Dutch medal commemorating their victory at the Downs, showing the destruction of the Spanish fleet exploits against the Spaniards, only a handful of killed and wounded.

You should see that your squadrons do not break their so lyned with tow, wooll, pitch shott of ours ' 30 its in which he kept his fleet together, progress up-Channel, was a matter for general Spanish plan. If one were to be forced upon them, they As the Spaniards did not separate, the English could only harry them, which they did by night and day. At first they attacked in no regular order, though Howard and Drake were always to the fore, but by the time he had reached the Isle of Wight, Howard had formed his ships into four divisions, respectively under himself, Hawkins, Frobisher and Drake.

Then managed fire-ship. By heroic to cast off the grappling a second fire-ship, approaching on the other an incident which so terrified the crew that a number jumped overboard. Harman ran side, set the sails alight, among the rest with his sword drawn, forcing the under control. Then one of the top-sail yards pinned Harman to the deck, and broke fire from leg. aloft, them to get fell his Soon afterwards, a third fire-ship tried to grapple, but she was sunk by the Henrys broadside before she could achieve her aim.

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