Download Good Arabs: The Israeli Security Agencies and the Israeli by Hillel Cohen PDF

By Hillel Cohen

In keeping with his studying of top-secret documents of the Israeli police and the leading minister's workplace, Hillel Cohen exposes the entire volume of the the most important, and, earlier, willfully hidden heritage of Palestinian collaboration with Israelis--and of the Arab resistance to it. Cohen's earlier e-book, the hugely acclaimed military of Shadows,told how this hidden background performed out from 1917 to 1948, and now, in reliable Arabs he specializes in the process of collaborators tested through Israel in each Arab neighborhood after the 1948 conflict. overlaying a large spectrum of attitudes and behaviors, Cohen brings jointly the tales of activists, mukhtars, collaborators, lecturers, and sheikhs, telling how Israeli safety enterprises penetrated Arab groups, how they got collaboration, how nationwide activists fought them, and the way deeply this task encouraged way of life. while this booklet used to be first released in Hebrew, it grew to become a bestseller and has evoked sour stories and excessive discussions between Palestinians in Israel and caused the reclassification of the various 1000's of records Cohen seen to discover a narrative that maintains to spread to at the present time.

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Those who were local leaders not only represented the authorities to their communities but also used their connections with the authorities to provide for their people’s basic needs. The result was a delicate balance between them and the authorities; their ability to control their communities was dependent on their prestige, which was dependent on the extent to which the authorities acceded to their requests. Thus, in order to keep the system functioning, the government was required to listen to these men and accept at least some of their demands.

He sent an infiltrator he knew, who was tied to Samwili, to visit the family, in order to see if they reported the visit to the GSS. As he expected, the family did not notify any intel34 Begin n ing a Beau t iful Frien dship ligence agency that the infiltrator had come to their home. Goldberg told the relevant GSS personnel about this, but they did not, he claimed, cut off their ties with the family. 53 The police claimed that the GSS had knowingly put their informer’s life in danger, out of spite.

During the 1948 war he tried to establish contact with Jewish forces but did not succeed. When his village was occupied, he preferred not to go to Lebanon, as most of his fellow villagers did, and instead settled in another Arab village in the Galilee, where he became a police informant. He faced economic difficulties; his extensive holdings at Sa῾sa῾ were declared absentee properties and transferred to the state. His connections proved useless in getting his land back. 32 A collaborator from the Triangle who had been in contact with Israeli intelligence prior to the arrival of the IDF also benefited from similar employment assistance.

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