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By David Edwin Pingree

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74 (1002; see CCAG, 8, 1, p. 93, note 1); ff. -81 (1006; see D. Pingree, Hephaeslionis Thehani Apotelesmatica, vol. 2, Leipzig 1974, pp. VI-VIII); ff. 94-94v. (29 August 1011); and ff. 77-77v. , pp. 371 and XIII-XIV). See also D. Pingree, Alhumasaris De revolutionihus nativitatum, Leipzig 1968, p. VIII note 3. F. 129; edited by F. Boll in CCAG, 2, pp. 144-50. D. Pingree, T h e Horoscope of Constantinople’, Πρίσματα, Wiesbaden 1977, pp. 30515,esp. 306-10. F. 95v. (4 January 1064) and f. 57 (1065); see Pingree.

136. GAS, VII, p. 166. In the margin o ff. 144v„ edited by A. Olivieri in CCAG, 2, p. 137. In the margin of f. 144, edited by A. Olivieri in CCAG, 2, p. 136. Ff. -155, edited by J. Heeg in CCAG, 5, 3, pp. 110-24. , p. 314. Ff. 165-175v. , vol. 2, pp. 81-125, and vol. 1, Leipzig 1973, pp. 331-33. In the margins o f ff. , and 173. ’^'‘ In the margin o f f. 171, edited by J. Heeg in CCAG, 5, 3, p. 127. In the margin of f. 173. In the margin of f. 171 v. In the margins o f ff. , 171 (edited by J. Heeg in CCAG, 5, 3, p.

1056’, ZDMG, 120, 1970, pp. 281-87. Ff. 67-118. , ff. , 97, and 106. Ff. -l 11. Ff. , vol. 2, pp. 53-80. Ff. , p. 324; and ff. -89. Ff. 90, 94, 97, 104, and 109. In the margins of ff. , 74, 87, 96, and 101. In the margins of ff. , p. 190. In the margins o f ff. , p. 187. GAS, VII, p. 80. In the margin of f. 72v. GAS, VII, pp. 125-8. In the margins of ff. 76v. ; cf. f. 158v. On f. 111 v. is a chapter from Κίντη? in the main text. ^'^GAS, VII, pp. 130-4. ™In the margins of ff. , and 111. In the margin o f f.

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