Download Fisheries: While Stocks Last (OECD Insights) by Patrick Love PDF

By Patrick Love


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Almost 58% of the litter could be attributed to recreational activities along the shore. Much of this litter is plastic, 10 million tons a year according to some estimates. According to UNEP, there are over 46 000 pieces of litter on the surface of every square mile of ocean today. It kills birds, marine turtles, marine mammals and fish. Plastic bags are particularly lethal for turtles and mammals, which mistake them 54 OECD Insights: Fisheries 4. Sea of Troubles for prey and eventually die of suffocation or blocked intestines.

Half a century later, years of overfishing and the collapse of cod OECD Insights: Fisheries 35 3. Fisheries: Taking Stock stocks on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland led to the fishery closing and 40 000 people losing their jobs. Experience from other areas shows that the impression of a fishery given by total catches can be misleading. The figures for the Mediterranean and Black Sea hardly changed over 1996-2006, but the type of fish making up the catch did. The most valuable species – tuna, sharks and demersal fishes (fish that feed on or near the sea bed such as cod, haddock or bass) – all declined.

Young fish were captured in the wild and transferred to ponds, and it was not until the 18th century that fish were grown in captivity from eggs. Even then, only freshwater fish were raised. Raising 36 OECD Insights: Fisheries 3. Fisheries: Taking Stock DEVELOPMENT OF FISHERIES PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS 1976=100 400 350 300 World fishery exports 250 200 150 100 World fishery production 50 19 7 19 6 7 19 7 7 19 8 7 19 9 8 19 0 8 19 1 8 19 2 8 19 3 84 19 8 19 5 8 19 6 8 19 7 88 19 8 19 9 9 19 0 9 19 1 92 19 9 19 3 9 19 4 9 19 5 9 19 6 97 19 9 19 8 99 20 0 20 0 01 0 Source: Globalisation in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Opportunities and Challenges, based on FAO Fishery Statistics.

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