Download Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 4th by Adnan Acan (auth.), Jens Gottlieb, Günther R. Raidl (eds.) PDF

By Adnan Acan (auth.), Jens Gottlieb, Günther R. Raidl (eds.)

This e-book constitutes the refereed complaints for the 4th ecu convention on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP 2004, held in Coimbra, Portugal, in April including EuroGP 2004 and 6 workshops on evolutionary computing.

The 23 revised complete papers offered have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 86 submissions. one of the subject matters addressed are evolutionary algorithms in addition to metaheuristics like memetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, and scatter seek; the papers are facing representations, operators, seek areas, variation, comparability of algorithms, hybridization of alternative tools, and conception. one of the combinatorial optimization difficulties studied are graph coloring, community layout, slicing, packing, scheduling, timetabling, touring salesman, car routing, and diverse different real-world purposes.

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Example text

Evolutionary Algorithms, fitness landscapes and search. PhD thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 1995. 10. T. Jones and S. Forrest. Fitness distance correlation as a measure of problem difficulty for genetic algorithms. In Proc of the 6th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms, pages 184–192. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995. 11. A. Kauffman. Adaptation on rugged fitness landscapes. In D. Stein, editor, Lectures in the sciences of complexity, pages 527–618. Addison-Wesley, 1989. 30 C. C.

Biological Cybernetics 60 (1988) 139–144 9. : The “molecular” traveling salesman. Biological Cybernetics 64 (1990) 7–14 10. : Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI (1975) 11. : Probabilistic diversification and intensification in local search for vehicle routing. J. of Heuristics 1 (1995) 147–167 12. : A hybrid genetic algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. : GECCO03. LNCS 2723, Illinois, Chicago, USA, Springer-Verlag (2003) 646–656 13.

In this paper several alternative methods of AOS are presented and compared on a selection of TSP benchmark problems. It is shown that the presence of multiple operators significantly improves performance. Furthermore, results indicate that the alternative AOS methods perform as well as Davis’ method, and that simpler methods can thus be used without a decrease in performance. 2 Adaptive Operator Scheduling Angeline [2] has categorised adaptive evolutionary computation based on two criteria: (1) the level at which adaptation is applied and (2) the nature of the update rules.

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