Download Epistemological Aspects of Computer Simulation in the Social by Flaminio Squazzoni PDF

By Flaminio Squazzoni

This booklet constitutes the revised models of the invited and chosen papers from the second one Epistemological views on Simulation Workshop, EPOS 2006, which used to be held in Brescia, Italy, in the course of October 5-6, 2006.

The eleven papers offered including 2 invited papers have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from 35 submissions. the themes addressed were epistemological and methodological contents, corresponding to the relevance of empirical foundations for agent-based simulations, the position of concept, the suggestions and which means of emergence, the trade-off among simplification and complexification of versions.

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This is true not only for analytical theories, such as game theory, which can easily be translated into programs running on computers (what is the case with simulationbased studies of the evolution of cooperation, as in the immense literature that took impulse from Axelrod’s work in the early 80s). Nor is this the case only with highly dynamic theories, such as Simmel’s theory of fashion, which in fact has recently been translated into simulation models (cf. Pedone and Conte, 2000). It is true also of theories like the Witness Effect (WE, cf.

Giving it a second thought, the explanans is not exactly the same. The psychosocial theory does not simply have the majority rule producing WE. Furthermore, according to this theory agents have a majority rule somehow operating in their minds! This is no hair-splitting: in looking for a causal theory, scientists do not content themselves with any producing factor. They seek an informative explanation, which incorporates additional understanding of the level of reality that the phenomena of study belong to.

Routledge, London (2000) 52. : Thinking about Mechanisms. Philosophy of Science 67(1), 1–25 (2000) 53. : Beyond Correlational Analysis: Recent Innovations in Theory and Method. Sociological Forum 16(3), 575–593 (2001) 54. : Mechanisms in the Analysis of Macro-Social Phenomena. MPI Working Paper 03/3 (April 2003); re-printed in Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34(2), pp. 237–259 (2004) The Epistemologies of Social Simulation Research 27 55. : Soziale Diskontinuitäten. Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen.

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