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By Jane Holder

This 2007 e-book examines environmental legislation from various views, emphasising the coverage international from which environmental legislation is drawn and nourished. these operating in the self-discipline of environmental legislation have to interact with recommendations and strategies hired via disciplines except legislation. The authors examine the ways that criminal actions are supported and legitimated by means of paintings in conventional medical or technical domain names, in addition to by means of definite extra imprecise but in addition influential cultural or philosophical assumptions. quite a number regulatory thoughts is explored during this e-book, via an in depth exam of either pollutants keep an eye on and land use. The hugely complicated nature of present environmental difficulties, tough refined and responsive criminal controls, is illustrated by way of a number of in-depth case reviews, together with felony and coverage research of the hugely contested problems with genetically transformed organisms and renewable power initiatives.

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Extra info for Environmental Protection, Law and Policy: Text and Materials

Example text

Because their regulation has had such a high profile in recent environmental debate (and protest), and because they highlight some contrasting approaches to the very idea of environmental protection, risk and nature, GMOs provide a more specific starting point from which to explore a range of contemporary challenges for environmental law; we devote Chapter 2 to introducing the dilemmas posed by agricultural biotechnology. In Chapter 3 we introduce the issue of public participation in decision making.

Reprinted with the permission. Neil Evernden, The Social Creation of Nature (Baltimore, John Hopkins, 1993) pp. 4–9. Reprinted with permission of The Johns Hopkins University Press. Sanford E. Gaines, ‘International Trade, Environmental Protection and Development as a Sustainable Development Triangle’ (2002) 11 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 259, pp. 263, 272–4. Reprinted with permission by Blackwell Publishing. Sanford E. Gaines and Clíona Kimber, ‘Redirecting Self-Regulation’ (2001) 13 Journal of Environmental Law 157, p.

Daly, ‘On Wilfred Beckerman’s Critique of Sustainable Development’ (1995), Environmental Values 49, pp. 49–52. Reprinted with permission from White Horse Press. Sara Dillon, International Trade and Economic Law and the European Union (2002), pp. 4–5, 11. Reprinted with permission by Hart Publishing. xxxii Acknowledgements Andrew Dobson, ‘Biocentrism and Genetic Engineering’ (1995) 4 Environmental Values 3, pp. 231–6. Reprinted with permission from White Horse Press. Andrew Dobson, Green Political Thought (2000), pp.

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