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By Tasha Alexander

The reign of Queen Elizabeth i used to be a time of struggle, ardour, and astonishing fulfillment. Elizabeth: The Golden Age reveals Elizabeth dealing with bloodlust for her throne and familial betrayal. turning out to be keenly conscious of the altering non secular and political tides of past due sixteenth-century Europe, Elizabeth faces an open problem from the Spanish King Philip II, who's made up our minds to revive England to Catholicism together with his strong military and dominating armada. getting ready to visit struggle to safeguard her empire, Elizabeth struggles to stability historic royal tasks with an unforeseen vulnerability: her love for the seafarer Sir Walter Raleigh. yet he continues to be forbidden for a queen who has sworn physique and soul to her kingdom. but as she charts her direction overseas, treachery is the rot at the back of the glittering royal throne. Her such a lot relied on adviser uncovers an assassination plot which can topple the throne, and the traitors may also comprise Elizabeth's personal cousin Mary Stuart. in keeping with the sequel to the Academy Award®-winning Elizabeth, Elizabeth: The Golden Age tells the exciting story of an era—the tale of 1 woman's campaign to manage love, overwhelm enemies, and safe her place as a liked icon of the Western international.

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Though they were not openly hostile to each other politically, neither felt the slightest affection for the other on a personal level. But if she were to marry his cousin, Henri would never be able to offer Philip assistance. ” Elizabeth asked the architect. ” “Not closed, Majesty. But here we have gun positions—” Lord Howard interrupted. “The second portrait, Majesty. ” The queen looked around, suddenly realizing one of her entourage was missing. ” / Bess had slipped into the Privy Garden, looking for solitude, and was reading, completely caught up in Spenser’s poetry: So let us love, dear Love, like as we ought.

Elizabeth asked the architect. ” “Not closed, Majesty. But here we have gun positions—” Lord Howard interrupted. “The second portrait, Majesty. ” The queen looked around, suddenly realizing one of her entourage was missing. ” / Bess had slipped into the Privy Garden, looking for solitude, and was reading, completely caught up in Spenser’s poetry: So let us love, dear Love, like as we ought. The most romantic bits she read aloud, then closed her eyes and tried 44 Elizabeth: The Golden Age to imagine someone penning such perfect phrases for her.

He paused. ” “You think all I want is money,” Raleigh said. ” He walked on. Raleigh watched him go, thinking about his words and realizing that he’d very much enjoyed the queen’s sense of humor and quick wit. Machinating to win favor for his expeditionary plans would not be the chore he’d expected. As Walsingham disappeared down the hall, a tight group of the queen’s ladies burst out of the doors of the Privy Chamber. Their laughter bounced off the walls as light heels clattered on the stone floor.

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