Download Electricity in fish research and management : theory and by W. R. C. Beaumont PDF

By W. R. C. Beaumont

Electricity in Fish learn and administration, 2d Edition presents a finished dialogue of the makes use of of either electrical energy and electric rules in fishery administration and learn. It covers electrical fishing (including concept, gear, information research and sensible components affecting efficiency), fish obstacles, fish counters and fish welfare issues.

The publication concentrates on electrical Fishing (or Electrofishing); an the world over permitted and frequent approach for sampling fish. during the last 50 years electrical fishing has turn into a customary approach for fishery reports and administration e.g. setting up inhabitants densities and abundance. even if, a result of capability risks of the tactic (both to operators and fish) there's a carrying on with have to boost and advertise top perform guidelines.

The writer has studied fish ecology for forty years and is aware the necessity for info that reaches out to all degrees of knowing within the box. past books in this topic have both been collections of clinical papers and/or technical reviews or extremely simple guideline manuals. during this booklet conception and perform is defined utilizing non-technical language and easy equations. It brings intensity in addition to breadth in either info and rules in the back of the equipment and may be a useful instrument to either fisheries managers and researchers.

Although the publication is aimed toward undergraduates, the transparent rationalization of the standards signifies that the e-book is acceptable for all degrees of practitioners.

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19 Immobilisation distance (m) at differing frequencies for four fish species. Note: There was no response at 10 Hz, 10% duty cycle for rainbow trout. Adapted from Davidson (1984). 20 The effect of increasing pulse frequency on applied power. 2 Pulse width Pulse width is, as the term suggests, the duration of the individual pulses of electricity. There are two ways of expressing this factor. •• Pulse width, expressed in milliseconds (ms) duration that the current is flowing •• Duty cycle, expressed as the percentage (%) time within one cycle that the current is flowing.

This occurs due to either anodic taxis (swimming towards the anode driven by the electric field’s effect on the fish’s central nervous system (CNS) and/or muscles) or forced swimming (involuntary swimming caused by direct effect by the electric field on the autonomic nervous system). In the latter case, swimming motions often correspond with the initial switching of DC and the pulse rate of pDC. Fishing equipment and output should seek to maximise this zone. 4 The narcosis zone is where, in normal DC and pDC fields, immobilisation of the fish occurs.

The earliest pDC waveforms were created by interrupting a DC voltage (Leduc’s current) and creating a ‘square‐wave’ pattern of pulses. 14b). From a standard 50 Hz AC generator, this gave either 100 Hz pDC (full‐wave rectification) or 50 Hz pDC (half‐wave rectification). The advantage of this method of creating a pDC waveform is the relative light weight and easy accessibility of AC generators compared with DC ones. Further research demonstrated that a steep leading edge to the waveform provided the maximum physiological effect on the fish.

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