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By Lev Gutman

The Fajarowitz version of the Budapest Gambit is one in all Black's most enjoyable thoughts opposed to 1 d4. validated "theory" has maintained a dim view of this line, which however has been a favourite of membership avid gamers. during this groundbreaking paintings, Gutman, a world Grandmaster and professional on establishing thought, rehabilitates this old gambit together with his traditional artistic and unique research. A cult within the making, it's a needs to for all membership and event players.Intermediate

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Od2. g. Je l+ 13. Ia3 /0b4, Anatoli Matsukevkh) 1 ... hd6 reaches one critical position. �e2 Jd4 0: 1 Ness ­ Rigenstrup, Drammen 1 947) 9 ... lc5!? ixg3, Borik) IO ... eg6! threatening 14 .. ixd2 mate Klastev - Do­ nev, Bulgaria 1 954) 9 ... lt:lc5 (9 ... lt:lb4?! ea4 ef6) 1 2 .. e3 ? g. xd3�d3. lt:la5 (9.. g. IO .. lt:lb4? a3, Davey Richter, corr 1 985, or 1 O ... g. ed7! ( The world premiere could have been perfect after 16 ... lt:lf3 ge l+! 'it>h2 lt:lc 2!? lt:lxfl exfl +?? (29 .. lc5 (8 ...

Jc5? ltld5+, Hergert, but IL ltlg3 ! a3 (if 17M 1, then 17 ... Jxb4) 17 ... id7 !? ixf6 20J�xd7 E:e6 with some plus for White, Gutman. 9... �xh l 9 .. ltlf3 ltlxhl ( I O... ltlc6? 0-0, Tartllkower) - see 9_. ltlf3 ic5. This is definitely the lesser evil. ic5 was tried first. �13 White has a choice of shots: A) 1 1 �xh7 ltld7 ( l l ... g. b4! ic5 ( IO .. �b4?! ltlh3 ltlc6) 1 1 .. 0-0! g5 !? le7+ ( 1 2 . Wfl � ( 1 3 ... �e4!? le7 (it is hard to suggest anything better, we see: I I .. d2 ! �xf6+ gxf6 14� 1s wrong, not due to 1 4 ...

A3 Aa5!? gxf6 gxf6) 14 ... ixa3 ! �a3? �xa3 �d7 and Black is not worse, Gutman. f3 0-0-0 is, according to Minev. excellentfor Black. Up to now no­ body has shown the desire to doubt this opinion, Borik. However, it is difficult 8 �xtl ... d l ! l0d6+? �g3 h 5 ! a3? �f2 l0xc2 are both losing Borik - 1 2 .. ti'f4 gd4! a3 ! g4? gd l gxd3 ! axb4? �xa7 exf3, Borik -, 1 5 .. g6 ( 12 ... a3 f5 (if l3 ... �cl sees the defence triumph, , There is nothing better. , . �e2+!? ie7 (9. hxg3 comes into con­ sideration) l l .

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