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By Jean Comaroff

During this refined research of strength and resistance, Jean Comaroff analyzes the altering obstacle of the Barolong boo Ratshidi, a humans at the margins of the South African nation. Like others at the fringes of the fashionable global approach, the Tshidi fight to build a conceivable order of indicators and practices by which they act upon the forces that engulf them. Their dissenting church buildings of Zion have supplied an efficient medium for reconstructing a feeling of heritage and id, person who protests the phrases of colonial and post-colonial society and tradition.

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Within the distinct chiefly domains, however, existing differentiations of rank were carefully replicated by means of spatial contrasts. [a]:40). Thus the hierarchical order of the body politic was simultaneously the lived map of the everyday world. In sum, despite radical social upheaval, the social organization reproduced ai Thaba 'Nchu was identical, in all essential respects, with the pre-defikane arrangements described by early visitors to the southern Tswana peoples (Campbell 1815:178; Burchell 1953, vol.

With the establishment of the British protectorate, a white settlement (Mafeking) had been founded less than a mile from the Tshidi capitalagainst Montshiwa's unavailing protest (I. L. Comaroff 1973:316). The new town was the seat of the colonial administration of the region and a junction on the transport route between the Cape Colony, the diamond fields, the Transvaal and Rhodesia; it soon developed some strategic significance, to be enhanced by its improbable siege, duting the Anglo-Boer War, in 1899-1900 (Gtinnell-Milne 1957).

Calculated to reduce ... 19 In anticipation of this legislation, the historically significant South African Native Nati'1nal Congress (later the African National Congress) was formed, with Plaatje as its corresponding secretary O. L. ] 1973:16). But the majority of the Tshidi intelligentsia, while supportive of the struggle for African rights at the national level, remained rooted in local political processes. thereby ensuring that the perspective of the liberal Methodist elite was firmlo/ stamped on the documentary record.

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