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By Melody Carlson

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Young men will do't, if they come to't; by cock, they are to blame. '” Then just as quickly as it happened, all returns to normal. Kendall is still here and Kayla is nowhere to be seen. But it's like I can still feel Kayla's presence up here on the stage, almost as if she's looking over my shoulder. Very weird. Fortunately, my lines are pretty minimal after that. And before long we're done and class ends, and without even talking to Kendall, I hurry out of the auditorium, heading straight for the bathroom.

But because of that feeling I've really been praying for you, Sam. And I understand how you feel about all this stuff. I mean, I remember how hard it was for you last year when you went to the shrink and everything. And I know how you believed that you weren't going to have any more dreams or visions. ” She sighs. ” Olivia turns and looks at me as she waits at the red stoplight. “Maybe it's just because I'm seriously worried about Kayla. ” Now, besides my mom and her shrink-friend, who really didn't believe me anyway, Olivia's the only person who I've told any of this stuff to.

Henderson that well. ” “I've been thinking about that too. But I'm worried about the same thing there. I mean, how do I go in and tell a policeman that I saw Kayla playing Ophelia in drama today but she wasn't really there? ” “But what about the car? Did you see a license plate? ”. “Just a metallic blue. ” Olivia kind of laughs. “But what about my dream this morning? It was pretty right-on because that woman, Cindy James, really did have a wreck just like in my dream. But I don't get why Kayla was in the dream too.

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