Download Archbishop Theodore: Commemorative Studies on his Life and by Michael Lapidge PDF

By Michael Lapidge

Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury (668SH90), formed the English Church right into a constitution it has retained for a millennium. but till lately he has remained a shadowy determine, whose early profession within the close to East and at Rome has been unknown. during this e-book, which builds at the 1994 book of formerly unprinted Biblical commentaries from Theodore's Canterbury college, the world over extraordinary students supply a clean account of the profession and writings of a distinct character who delivered to Anglo-Saxon England the cultural historical past of Syria, Byzantium and Rome.

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Newbury House. Boehm, Max H. 1933: "Nationalism" Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 11: 231-40. Conklin, Nancy & Margaret Lourie. 1983. A Host of Tongues: Language Communities in the United States. New York: The Free Press. Dubois, Betty Lou and Isabel Crouch, eds. 1976. The Sociology of the Languages of the American Women. Papers in Southwest English, W, San Antonio, Texas: Trinity University. Garvin, Paul. 1972. " Paper presented at the Symposium on Sociolinguistics and Language Planning, Mexico City.

Memory (Crawford & English, 1984) and comprehension (Hamilton & Henley, 1982) have been found to be affected detrimentally by the masculine generic form. Studies have also found such usage to affect attitudes toward women, girls' self-esteem (Henley, Gruber & Lerner, 1985), and beliefs in females' ability to perform a job (Hyde, 1984). In addition, there are findings that gender marking other than in the generic influences people's behavior. Preschool boys' achievement and perseverance were increased by hearing a story of male accomplishment, and girls' achievement was increased by hearing a story of female accomplishment (McArthur & Eisen, 1976); women had higher levels of aspiration for tasks labeled as feminine than for ones masculine-labeled, and performed better at them (Jackaway, 1975); high school students responded preferentially to jobs cued to their own sex (Bem & Bem, 1973).

To make people give up certain usages is a form of censorship and infringes on freedom of speech. Of course, no one can make people change their language in all contexts. " falsely in a crowded hall, or use derogatory racial and ethnic epithets. Sexist language, of course, is similar to these derogatory epithets which many people on their own reject, and which most publications will not print; but sexist language is not so widely rejected or banned. One may also argue that it is women who have been censored out of language and that the switch to nonsexist forms is an attempt to remove that censorship rather than impose any.

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