Download Arafat and the Dream of Palestine: An Insider's Account by Bassam Abu Sharif PDF

By Bassam Abu Sharif

Abu Sharif used to be one of many world’s such a lot infamous and hazardous terrorists within the 60’s and 70’s, performing as “minister of propaganda” for the Popular entrance for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and as a recruiter for terrorists like Carlos the Jackal. In 1972, a bomb used to be placed in a booklet and despatched to him, leaving him half-blind, deaf in a single ear, and virtually fingerless. ultimately leaving behind using violence as a way to accomplish his Palestinian nationalist aspirations, he aligned himself with Yasser Arafat, finally changing into one among his closest advisors.In this booklet, Abu Sharif, usually along Arafat, takes us behind the curtain of all of the significant occasions within the center East over the past 30 years, from the key caves within the West financial institution the place Arafat concealed on his approach to Jerusalem in 1967 to the peace negotiations in Oslo in 1993. Arafat and the Dream of Palestine combines a deeply own account, educated by means of Abu Sharif’s shut dating with Arafat, with a gripping, profoundly human background of Palestine.

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He knew that the Israelis would hear of his presence in the Occupied Territories sooner or later, that he had to make good use of every minute to set up the tanzim (military organization), and that, of course, he had to let the fighters know by his presence there that he was their leader. Arafat’s entourage spent three weeks sleeping either in caves or under trees while moving from village to village. One night while they were bivouacked near Ramallah, the roof of their cave began to tremble under the weight of several armored vehicles.

As they started down one of the alleys, a window creaked open above them. ” a man asked. “Friends,” Arafat answered. ” The man pointed to the house opposite his, closed the window, and then disappeared into the shadows of his home. Abu Yousef, Arafat’s maternal uncle, was taken completely by surprise to see Yasser Arafat among the group. He knew that Arafat had entered into the Occupied Territories but he had no idea his nephew would risk entering Jerusalem as well. Abu Yousef was only too aware of the dangers all around them.

In August 1967, the PFLP, Fateh, and other Palestinian organizations such as the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and the General Command met in Damascus. They agreed that to achieve their common aim of ridding Palestine of its yoke of Israeli occupation, they must unite under the same banner, which was initially known as the National Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine. On the day the announcement was to be made that all Palestinian organizations would join under one umbrella, there were no Fateh representatives in attendance.

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