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By Claude Boyd, Aaron McNevin

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E. Boyd. 1994. Hydrology and Water Supply for Aquaculture. New York: Chapman and Hall. Chapter 2 World population Assessments of global resource use, pollution, and sustainability of world ecosystems should consider the effects on these variables of human population distribution and growth and other demographic variables. As human population increases, there is greater demand for resources and more wastes are generated. The human population is not uniformly distributed across continents and countries, and neither are resource use and waste production.

And C. E. Boyd. 1994. Hydrology and Water Supply for Aquaculture. New York: Chapman and Hall. Chapter 2 World population Assessments of global resource use, pollution, and sustainability of world ecosystems should consider the effects on these variables of human population distribution and growth and other demographic variables. As human population increases, there is greater demand for resources and more wastes are generated. The human population is not uniformly distributed across continents and countries, and neither are resource use and waste production.

In the 1960s and 1970s, it became apparent that many fisheries products popular with consumers in wealthy countries could be profitably produced by aquaculture. This revelation led to the emergence of various kinds of feed-based aquaculture, for example, production of trout, salmon, marine shrimp, and channel catfish, for the markets in the United States and Canada, Europe, and Japan. The increasing demand for fisheries products in wealthy countries opened up the possibility for a lucrative export market for certain aquaculture species—particularly marine shrimp and salmon.

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