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By Rodolfo Paoletti, Dr. David Kritchevsky

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Distributions 47 PRELIMINARY RELATIONSHIPS OBSERVED BETWEEN Sf RATE AND LIPOPRO­ TEIN CONCENTRATIONS One of the capabilities of the present methodology is the evaluation of potential relationships that may exist between flotation rate of the major component of the Sf 0-12 lipoprotein class and the concentration of each narrow segment of both the high- and low-density lipoprotein spectra. Such a relationship might indicate, for instance, that a certain lipoprotein profile is associated with either a slow or fast Sf° rate of the major 0-12 class.

C. PRELIMINARY RELATIONSHIPS OBSERVED BETWEEN LIPOPROTEIN CON­ CENTRATION, LIPOPROTEIN COMPOSITION, AND OTHER PARAMETERS The lipid classes making up substantially all of the serum (or lipopro­ tein) lipids are cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, phospholipids, and unesterified cholesterol, the first three of these comprising about 90% of the total. The amount of unesterified fatty acids is negligibly small except in the high-density fraction, where it occurs to the extent of a few per­ cent. Triglycerides, as measured, may contain small amounts of diglyc4 Mills and Wilkinson (21) observed higher Sf° rates than we have, although the methods of calculating the Sf ° rate and the F versus C dependence (including the K value) were different.

1. 2. 3. Variable no. 4 Std. dev. Std. 0 Mean Std. error Variable Std. dev. Males Table II MEAN VALUES FOR SERUM LIPIDS AND LIPOPROTEINS AND LIPID COMPOSITION OF PRINCIPAL LIPOPROTEIN FRACTIONS 50 EWING ET AL. I. I. 175(S f ° 12-400) 24. 22. 23. 21. 20. 18. 19. 17. 16. 15. 14. I. units) ( w t % of total lipids) ( w t % of total lipids) (mg/100 ml) (Svedberg units) (mg/100 ml) ( m g / 1 0 0 ml) ( w t % of total lipids) Human Serum Lipoprotein Distributions 51 52 E W I N G E T AL. sum of individual components (including calculated values of unesterified cholesterol) is usually a good approximation of the total extracted weight.

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