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By D.Nicolle

Книга Osprey crusade №154. Acre 1291 Osprey crusade №154. Acre 1291 Книги Исторические Автор: D.Nicolle Формат: pdf Издат.:Osprey Страниц: ninety eight Размер: forty Mb ISBN: 084176 862 five Язык: Английский0 (голосов: zero) Оценка:Серия военныхкниг Campaignот Osprey.Скачать все ссылки (162книги, 5,7Gb) на серию Osprey crusade одним файлом:

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In 1972, another mayor of Gaza, Rashad al-Shawa, who had been appointed by the military governor, was dismissed for having refused to collaborate with the ruling apparatus’s attempt to reduce the separation of the Shatti refugee camp from the city of Gaza. The ruling apparatus succeeded in curbing civil resistance and prevented it from spreading throughout the Occupied Territories in any coordinated manner. The creation of stable local leadership was halted, affecting the ability of Palestinians to maintain a public political space and distancing the echoes of their protests from the “neighboring” Israeli political space—but not quenching resistance altogether.

Total calm in the Occupied Territories during the Yom Kippur War (October 1973) added to the sense that the ruling apparatus was functioning well, and that the real security problem did not lie there, but rather in a dysfunctional military preparation system, exposed by the Israeli fiasco during the first days of that war. The interlacing of the ruling apparatus with the fabric of Palestinian life created various channels of cooperation, without which normal life would have been impossible. In agriculture, education, finance, and medicine, for example, Palestinians worked under military administration officials, and to a certain extent alongside them as well.

44 Representing the Palestinian share in the ruling apparatus as collaboration made a special contribution to constructing this apparatus as temporary and completely separate from the population it dominated. Thus the permit system, from the start the main channel connecting the government and the ruled, served as a central device of interpellation shaping the Palestinian individual as a subject of the Israeli regime, and presented that regime as an entirely alien power, in which the Palestinian had no part.

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