Download Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference by Teresa Hennig PDF

By Teresa Hennig

Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference covers a large spectrum of programming themes correct to entry. even though it assumes the reader has a few familiarity with VBA programming language, it starts off with a short advent to VBA. And that will help you leverage the instruments that entry presents, a bankruptcy highlights the hot positive factors in Microsoft workplace entry 2007 — together with new wizards and GUI (graphical person interface) components that in the past required VBA code, in addition to new VBA good points.

The e-book additionally discusses how you can create and identify variables, the way to use facts entry item (DAO) and ActiveX info item (ADO) to govern info either inside entry and inside different functions, right mistakes dealing with recommendations, and complex features reminiscent of developing sessions and utilizing APIs. Key new gadgets resembling utilizing Macros and the Ribbon are explored, too, as are kinds and reviews, the 2 strongest instruments for operating with and showing info. operating with different functions is roofed widely either in a normal nature and for operating in particular with Microsoft place of work purposes, home windows SharePoint prone, and SQL Server. after all, this booklet wouldn’t be entire with no discussing safety matters and the Developer Extensions.

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The Package Solution Wizard Step 1: Starting the Package Wizard Step 2: Database Solution Installation Options Step 3: Additional Files and Registry Keys Step 4: Additional MSI File Settings Finishing the Wizard Additional Information About MSI Files Save as Template Creating ACCDT Files Deploying ACCDT Files The ACCDT File Format Source Code Control Support Install the Source Code Control Program Using the Source Code Control Summary Chapter 22: Protecting Yourself with Access 2007 Security The Office Trust Center What Is the Trust Center?

The macro designer enables users to see the macro actions that are available in the Action list control. By default, only safe macro actions are shown in the Actions list, but clicking the Show All Actions button in the Macro Design Ribbon displays all macros. Click on the expander for the Macro actions and choose the OpenForm macro action. In the Action Arguments grid at the bottom, set Form Name to the name Assets Form (the form created earlier in this chapter). Figure 1-13 shows an example of what the macro builder looks like at this point.

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