Download Abstract state machines: A method for high-level system by Egon Börger, Robert Stärk PDF

By Egon Börger, Robert Stärk

This e-book combines the beneficial properties of a textbook and a instruction manual Researchers will locate the following the main entire description of ASMs on hand this day and pros will use it as a "modeling instruction manual of the operating software program engineer. As a textbook it helps self-study or it may well shape the foundation of a lecture path.

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2 pictorially summarizes the different verification and validation techniques which can be applied to ASM models in the design hierarchy leading from a ground model to executable code. 2 Working Definition 27 Fig. 3 Integrating ASMs into the V-scheme REQUIREMENTS CAPTURE customer feedback (ground model/doc) SYSTEM ANALYSIS Ground Model (Sw Arch) Acceptance Test Plan validation and verification at each level SOFTWARE DESIGN Module Architechture Module Test Plan CODING Compiled Executable Code MAINTENANCE SYSTEM TEST (against specification& test plan for ground model) MODULE TEST (against specification of module functionality) UNIT TEST (test of functions) kind ASMs offer from the ground model through the intermediate levels to the implementation.

The practice of system design shows that the overall task (0), which for real-life systems is usually too complex to be tackled at a single blow, can be accomplished by splitting it into a series of manageable subtasks (1)–(3), each step reflecting a part of the design. g. g. for versioning). In this sense the ASM refinement method pushes Wirth’s [429] and Dijkstra’s [184] refinement program to its most general consequences. Without entering into technical details, which are explained in Sect. 2, we illustrate here the scheme for an ASM refinement step, which generalizes the more restricted refinement notions in the literature.

The finitely many control states ctl state ∈ {1, . . , m} resemble the socalled “internal” states of Finite State Machines and can be used to describe different system modes. 2 Working Definition 45 Fig. 5 Control state ASMs cond 1 rule 1 j1 cond n rule n jn i if ctl state = i then if cond1 then rule1 ctl state := j1 ··· if condn then rulen ctl state := jn Fig. 6 Control state ASMs: alternative definition i cond 1 j1 cond n jn rule if ctl state = i then rule if cond1 then ctl state := j1 ··· if condn then ctl state := jn is described in Fig.

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