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By Scott H. Ainsworth

This ebook examines how legislators have juggled their passions over abortion with normal congressional approaches, how either exterior components (such as public opinion) and inner components (such because the ideological composition of committees and social gathering platforms) form the improvement of abortion coverage. pushed via either theoretical and empirical issues, Scott H. Ainsworth and Thad E. corridor current an easy, formal version of strategic incrementalism, illustrating that legislators frequently have incentives to change coverage incrementally. They then study the sponsorship of abortion-related proposals in addition to their committee referral and locate wide selection of Democratic and Republican legislators again and again supply abortion-related proposals designed to change abortion coverage incrementally. Abortion Politics in Congress finds that abortion debates have permeated quite a lot of concerns and wide variety of legislators and a great number of committees tackle abortion.

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Congress is an institution in which incremental politics is much easier than supermajoritarian politics. A minority of legislators can often stymie even the simplest of legislative activity, but some congressional environments are more conducive to incrementalism than others. We also see that committees vary in their ability to navigate this landscape. Some committees are much more internally bifurcated or more distant from the House median voter compared to other committees. As we discuss in Chapter 6, this distance becomes important as House members consider which committees are best for fostering abortion-related legislation.

On face value, abortion does not appear to be well suited for incremental policy shifts. FORMAL MODELS OF LEGISLATIVE POLITICS One point on which many scholars of incrementalism agree is that explanations of incrementalism are quite varied. ” At this juncture, we consider three possible routes to take. First, one could give up on incrementalism , ignoring any empirical tendencies and direct observations that suggest its importance. Second, one could focus on events or situations that limit policy change.

Researchers have studied these extreme camps as well. Studies examine the relative strength of each position among the public, as well as the depth of commitment to the cause on each side (Scott and Schuman, 1988). Others examine the movements in the wake of seminal Court decisions, such as Roe v. Wade ,Webster v. Reproductive Health Services , andPlanned Parenthood v. Casey (Segers 1995; Tribe 1992; Wlezien and Goggin 1993;). In addition to attempts to understand the foundations of abortion attitudes , other research seeks to connect attitudes with abortion rates.

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