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By World Bank

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Seventeen multilateral and bilateral donors and one industry association supported the study with funds and consulting services. The SIFR set out to: Determine whether lack of basic information was a cause of failure Identify high-priority research needs Assess the capacity of developing countries to undertake the research Recommend ways to improve the impact of international aid in fisheries research. The study reported on the major changes in fisheries over the last 40 to 50 years, particularly developments in fishing techniques, management, and market demand.

ICLARM is one of the very few regional and international research centers. Page 4 The usefulness of aid to research is mixed. Aid programs have made an important contribution to the development of fisheries research capacity in developing countries. But they have also neglected areas, often helping to create a deficient infrastructure. In countries where funds are limited, aid can generate distortions. And short-term aid projects have sometimes diverted scarce national research personnel from national programs before their completion.

This dynamic of overfishing is particularly critical for developing states, for which economic development depends largely on the exploitation of their natural resources. Efficient development of these resources produces economic rents that provide a source of the investment finance essential for economic growth. For developing countries the loss of these rents and the waste in the production of protein necessary for their growing populations are serious problems. Open access is also a major source of conflict between different groups of fishers.

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